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A striking view of Gassendi!


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Gassendi is a major lunar carateras, with its 114 km in diameter is an ancient crater formed in Nectarian period to about 3.92 billion years ago.

 It is a gigantic crater with fractured Interior (FFC), or as sometimes craters are called tortoiseshell. The Gassendi is an impact crater that was modified by volcanic action after its formation, which caused her to become quite shallow compared to its diameter - with only 2.8 km deep. Fractures inside should be more likely to ring formation of Mare Humorum and lava sea that filled the crater Gassendi rising within, filling the crater inside out and making your inner born with stress fractures reservoirs of lava. There are some interesting interlaced channels outside the south wall that runs through the Mare Humorum. There are also some small domes in southern ring. In the center of the crater there is a central clusters of peaks that once came to be regarded as the landing site of the Apollo 17 mission. This location was considered during the planning of the mission because the rocks there could be used to date the Humorum basin and crater Gassendi impact. At that time also wondered about putting a probe on the Mare Orientale in daylight for the first time during an Apollo mission. But the roughness of the terrain of Gassendi seemed too risky to be the site of the last mission in the Apollo project.

Source: Cienctec / LPOD

Adaptation: Avani Avaní Soares

Para aqueles que quiserem se aprofundar no assunto existe um texto em PDF do nosso colega José Agustoni que pode se acessado aqui: http://www.rea-brasil.org/lunar/boletimlunar_outubro2007.pdf


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Hello DTchil!

In lunar photos you do not need to use large number of frames on the stack! 
It is more important to use smaller amount of good frames that a large amount of frames median. I normally use only the best 20% frames as graphic quality indicated by AS! 2.
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