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Lens Cleaning Problem!!!

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Hi all

I am having a little problem, i recently purchased a SW 9x50 finder scope, when it arrived the front lens was a little lose so i took it off to tighten the inner holding ring, i accidentally got a finger print on the lens. I have watched a few videos online for cleaning eye pieces.  I followed these instructions and now the lens looks badly smeared it seems fine to look through it and i am not overly worried as it is only a finder scope. 

But can anyone give me any tips to get rid of the smears???

Craig :)

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I use Baader wonder fluid toclean absolutely everthing including the APO, eyepieces and LX collector plate but I only do them about every 18-24 months.It is important not to over clean things and do them when they need doing.


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Get some lens tissues off ebay or a local opticians, give a good deep breath over the lens then gently wipe. As long as the greasy finger print is gone don't be overly fussy trying to remove cleaning fluid or condensated breath residue as your more likely to do more harm than good attempting to remove it.

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I use Baader wonder fluid toclean absolutely everthing including the APO, eyepieces and LX collector plate but I only do them about every 18-24 months.It is important not to over clean things and do them when they need doing.


Thats my approach as well. The Baader Fluid and the micro fibre cloth work excellently.

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why cant you use BWF on a mirror?

starts worrying, as i cleaned an old 130mm reflector with the stuff not so long ago and now worried its gonna blow up or something.

It's usually thought to be too aggressive to clean telescope mirrors that way.  A much more recommended method is to carefully immerse and wash the mirror in warm slightly soapy water, wiping with pads of good quality cotton wool with no pressure, change the pad frequently, then a thorough rinse in distilled water.  Stand upright ( the mirror, not you  :smiley: )  to dry. Any drying streaks or spots won't affect performance, but you could repeat if not happy with the result.

Many of us, including me, have broken these rules and got away with it, so don't worry too much.  Does the mirror look ok ?   Then relax, but the washing method is the way to go in future.

Regards, Ed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It's usually thought to be too aggressive to clean telescope mirrors that way.  A much more recommended method is to carefully immerse and wash the mirror in warm slightly soapy water, wiping with pads of good quality cotton wool with no pressure, change the pad frequently, then a thorough rinse in distilled water.  

You don't even need the cotton wool. Fingertips are even better and have the advantage you can instantly feel where pieces of grit are stuck to the mirror and react accordingly. You can avoid streaks by sloshing some inexpensive battery top-up water over it, and it will dry without a mark.

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