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Can I get to a Messier century?


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Bagged m107 last night which had somehow eluded me before and brings me to 98 in total.

I also tried for M4 which I worked out would be visible around 1.00 between my garage roof and the houses opposite. But.... you guessed it! Just as the Telrad was showing that it would just be in the gap- clouds crept up from the southern horizon. Must try again but the window of opportunity from my observing position is very short, and then the next 11 may be impossible. Need that trip to the south coast......

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If the sky is really good I can see M4 in binos (15x70 or 20x80). The ones that caused the biggest problem for me were the Globs in Sagittarius - M69 and M70. I did observe M6 and M7 in Spain and although I have seen M6 from Hereford I have never been able to view M7 from the UK.

Recently I tried to view M83 and although I had the precise position with the star field I could not see the galaxy. According to my records I saw this galaxy in 2009 but not since.

It took me a number of years to complete the Messier list but its great when you do.

You will make it I am sure.

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Thanks Mark. I must try bins. I have a section of flat roof where I've never dare set up a scope but bins are fine. It does give good views of the lower regions of the sky from the south round to the west which are not so good from the garden .

M6 and the Sagittarius candidates may be a challenge still - but this is the time of year to try.

The other, almost insurmountable , obstacle is that it is impossible to access the roof without disturbing my sleeping wife - I need to work on that one!

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Good luck. M4 is a nice one as you have some nice bright guide stars. Not much good if there are buildings in the way.

I'm on 85 and struggling with M19 and the low ones. I know that they are all doable from here (ok. From the top of a hill just down the road). But getting it clear to the horizon and not washed out by the moon / sun ........

It would be good to get them all from these shores in the fullness of time.


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I've done them all from home, but those low ones in Sagittarius are pretty challenging.  Pretty much any light pollution to the south is almost guaranteed to ruin your chances :(


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Yes - I'm having a struggle with M83 also.  I find the biggest hurdle is the narrow window of opportunity for the southern ones - even if conditions are right, if the moon is around forget it !


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  • 9 months later...

Yes - I'm having a struggle with M83 also.  I find the biggest hurdle is the narrow window of opportunity for the southern ones - even if conditions are right, if the moon is around forget it !


Bagged M83 for the first time last night. Messier said "one is only able with the greatest concentration to see it at all" from Paris at 49°; well I'm at 52 and though faint it was obviously fuzzy. That's my count up to 76 now :grin:

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