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Eyepieces to test

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My friend in Sofia who has now joined the site is allowing me to test some of his incoming eyepieces and ones he has.

Coming up will be.

14mm S5000 S Plossl against the 14mm Delos,

4.7mm ExSc UWA against 5mm Pentax XW.

8.8mm Meade UWA against 9mm Nagler.

I only hope the weather takes a turn as the last few days has been dire. May was pretty awful.


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WOW Alan ,Nice job if you can get it lol

As you can see I have a f10 scope so very forgiving when it comes to eyepieces ,when I started back in 2009 my first decent eyepiece was a Meade 18mm 82 fov ,

now although I've  gone on to 2" eyepieces and I must admit I only used it for one session but I have still got it and every now and then I test her out and even with all my eyepieces this

is still one I would recommend to someone starting out  if you can get hold of one , 

if you had asked my the two years ago what is the best I would have said  Naglers but now I would say look at  ExSc I went for the 100fov and I really rate then

will be very interested in your views on these eyepieces and looking forward darker nights


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Oddly the 18mm UWA was the only one I never had from that range.

Naglers come into their own in faster scopes and will show better egde detail than ExSc offerings, though they are very good as in the most part they are optically what the Meade ranges were for the SWA and UWA. There were differences, 18mm from ExSc was a 2 inch and 11mm which of course Meade did not make.

Good eyepieces though.

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I have been to Sofia and picked up the goodies, 14mm Meade Super Plossl, 4.7mm ExSc UWA and 8.8mm Meade UWA for the first ones made by JOC.

The 14mm looks a little different to one I had if I recall correctly, on this one the outer surface of the 1.25 sleeve is polished chrome whereas mine was brushed. I am sure it is the same eyepiece that I had though.

The 4.7mm ExSc looks yummy and I rather like it, this will be a first for me and I will put it into bat with the Pentax 5mm XW, who said I always test Televues.

The 8.8mm is an old friend and I will give that a hard time against the 9mm Nagler, this is the one that the Sky at Night Mag tested against a 7mm Nagler so in that way I will be different.

Now all I need is clear sky, BTW it's just started raining again, every day this month and most of last.


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