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A stunning crater !


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The Pythagoras crater on the Moon can be considered a larger version of the crater Copernicus , 130 km in diameter and approximately 5 km depth , compared with that Copernicus is 93 km in diameter and 3.8 km deep . Surprisingly their central peaks are higher than the highest part of the land around the crater , thus violating Rule Mädlre . This rule has never been confirmed with modern data , but seems to be right . His advanced age is also indicated by the lack of original surface roughness in impact melt north and the overcrowding in the inner wall terraces , when examined in the high-resolution images obtained by the LRO . In fact the age of Pythagoras was recognized during the Apollo era when it was mapped as having the same approximate age of the oldest lavas of Mare Imbrium . One thing that the vets did not know is that the central peak of Pythagoras , as the anaxagoras , Philolaus and Carpenter , contains pure anorthosite , ie , the material remaining magma ocean .

Thus if the moon was rotated 65 ° towards the south , to replace Pythagoras crater Copernicus crater as the most impressive visible crater. The Pythagoras crater is 50 % higher than Copernicus , but not so young and its rays are much fainter . Like Copernicus , the Pythagoras has two mountain peaks that are not centralized . Its large interior, partially covered with debris and ladder-shaped terraces add similarities with Copernicus . Like Hausen crater near the south pole , the Pythagoras provides an oblique view of how large and complex young craters really seem to be .


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Many thanks for the comments. Lunar photos are my specialty but as yet few posted here on SGL. 

Steve My scope is 1600 mm focal length however as I use a 4X Powermate this distance is increased to 6400 mm in total. Being a f / 6.3 catches are being made in f/25, 2 which is a very appropriate focal length for planetary and lunar. 

In this photo I applied a binning of 2x2! 


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