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My Satellite observing forum


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I know i've posted on here before about this forum in the astro announcements section.

My satellite observing forum is a place were anybody who already observes satellites or is interested in doing some can come and chat about there observations and get tips on how to view them. There is around 100 or more satelites easily visble to the naked eye and it's really easy to see them. Even if you've never done satellite observing come along and give it a try , it ties in with normal astrnomy aswell , just keep a look out for them when you're using your scope. then log onto heavens above and find out what you saw. On the Forum there's also a section were you can talk about astronomy.

So if anyone's interested please go to http://satelliteforum.darkbb.com/index.htm and join in the fun! :D

We've only got 6 members and it would be great to have more :D



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Astronomy is a minority hobby,with many factions within it.

Satellite obs is one of those niches within a bit like double star observations.It only interests a few people enough to take the time to post their experiances.The saving grace is the Iss or Shuttle as people know what they are and look like so can visualise it better.

Personally i cant get exited about a Satellite more than knowing it messes up my images :D

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the forums coming along ok at the moment :D

guys , i know i have been ranting on about this for ages , but i just thought more people would be interested , i mean satellite observing is easy and it takes no equitment or anything expect from your naked eye. I know it's not the best forum on the planet and it may not be up to you standards but ........ just join if you're interetsed :D:lol:

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To me, seeing satellites pass over is rather like watching traffic. Once you see a few, it's no big deal anymore. I can see at least a dozen each and every night from my back yard, and it's fun when the serendipitously pass through the field of the telescope, but, aside from ISS, HST or a shuttle, I mostly ignore them. It just so happens, there's a section of the US Naval Observatory Space Command, NAVSPASPUR, that monitors satellites. There's a large monitoring installation just north of the town near me. It's one of those geographical locations that every satellite will pass over sooner or later. Here's a link you may find interesting.


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I went out this evening with my grand daughter and saw the ISS pass by at 18.55. It seemed to "jump-over-the-moon", then later it seemed like an aircraft was going to hit it (in the line of sight) then is disappeared into Orion's belt.

Don't think I would join a specialist forum when we have stargazerslounge or cloudynights.


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