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Mars and Jupiter images from last night


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I attach images of Jupiter (with Europa) and Mars from last night.  I haven't attempted de-rotation with WinJupos with these images, and perhaps it is now time to learn(?).  I would appreciate advice on how to get images into correct order for submission to the BAA (not that these are quite good enough).

The images were taken using a Celestron Edge 11 OTA with 2.5x Revelation Barlow on an EQ8 mount , with a ZWO ASI120MM camera/ Astronomik RGB filters. Videos were captured using Firecapture, and stacked and processed using Autostakkert, Registax 6, and combined Maxim DL.

Clear skies,




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Nicely done John - a decent Jupiter and very good Mars images.   No doubt the Edge 1100 and ASI120MM can deliver more in good seeing, if the weather allows - though difficult to predict conditions and no doubt a fair element of luck comes in to play!

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