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A Sunny Spot - 14th April, 2014


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I found myself a nice cosy little spot to image from early in the morning at home, that gets the Sun much earlier than my usual spot :) Perhaps this will mean I won't delay the missus so much when we're supposed to be going out and the Sun makes an appearance :grin: Lovely to see so many solar pics being posted lately :laugh:




14th April, 2014
H-a: SolarMax 60 SS, Grasshoppper 3 video camera

White light: Celestron Onyx 80mm, Grasshoppper 3 video camera, Lunt 1.25 Herschel Wedge, Solar Continuum, IR-block

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Stunning work Luke :) :) :) I wish I had had this week off, I bet the weather is rubbish by the Easter weekend!


PS Steve, I'd rather not know what you get up to early on mid summers mornings to make the neighbours curtains twitch :lol:

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Thanks, all :smiley:

Roger, it might have been a bit hazy, I'm not sure. The exposure length was longer than normal, and my focus looked a bit off when I stacked it. :confused:  What I'd give for a Feathertouch on my SolarMax, I don't think you can get one at the mo though.

Steve, I can't wait for those Summer mornings and evenings, hopefully I can get some high res white light during the week then :laugh: I would have thought your neighbours were used to you shinning up drainpipes etc. to image from your pier in Winter to be bothered with what you are getting up to at ground level in Summer :grin: :grin:

Alexandra, will you be that bothered about the weather with all that choccy to eat? :grin: :grin:  Ahem, I've already eaten my three Cadburys Cream Eggs that were supposed to be for Easter, Sarah will have to hide them next year :embarassed:

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That secret spot of yours has got good views as well.

Fantastic sunny day to day, but my car is in the garage so no solar for me.  I am bit tired anyway, I was out imaging Mars again last night, only just finished yesterday's solar picture and then straight outside for the evening shift.  I need to give up work and concentrate on astronomy full time.


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Luke, I wish! being on a gluten and dairy free diet is painful at this time of year, I'd love a Cadburys creme egg :( I'd settle for the Sun instead though :) mind you all I would love in the world is some fish and chips or a croissant :( :( :( must think of the sun!!!


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Thanks, Dr Robin, Jarrad and Johan :smiley:

Johan, great going, good luck for day 4, is a little daily animation on the cards?! :laugh:

Alexandra, oops, at least I know how to spell Creme eggs now :grin:  Hope you get plenty of sun to compensate, I would swap all three of the ones I've eaten for two sunny days over Easter...

Dr Robin, typical that it is sunny when your car is on holiday. Hope you get a good solar dose over Easter!

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