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very true Caz , the rings did not exist much on the images i had to pull a lot out in the process and its not helped, thanks for the info thats what we need , lets just hope i can nail it soon , funny 3 years ago i was getting better saturn images , so it is down to the seeing , i will have to stay up late i think when it all settles down ,



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They look good to me Rog. You nailed the focus better than i did.

But i know what you mean wuth Saturn not quite playing ball. Mine seem to lack bite in the focus. But if i push the wavelets anymore, they look over-cooked.

Have you tried manually choosing the frames? Thats my next move, not entirely happy about the frames Registax is choosing.


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well i did that a few times when i started out Russ , and i must admit i got better results but it was taking 2 or 3 hours to go through them all , so i just set reg to 80% and do it that way , but when i see an image worth going through manually i will do so , up to now the image on screen has been still but rubbish seeing and i,m collimated well so its not that ,

thanks for kind comments


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I used to religously check my AVI's back in 2003, do a manual stack. Haven't bothered since. Like you I set Registax to 80-85%, search area 10 pixels and the largest alignment box that will fit, normally 128. But i find that Registax 3 lets through too many duff frames. I'm sure Registax 2 did a better job.

Still nice images Rog and nice colours on the second image.

Looking forward to your next go, I'll reckon you'll nail it perfectly like your Mars images.


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I don't suppose any of you gurus fancy putting together a quick how-to for registax/photoshop? Maybe just a few steps that will improve most AVIs/images to give people a starting point to experiment? For a beginner theres a lot of options in those programs that where its very difficult to figure out what the hell they do!

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I used to religously check my AVI's back in 2003, do a manual stack. Haven't bothered since. Like you I set Registax to 80-85%, search area 10 pixels and the largest alignment box that will fit, normally 128. But i find that Registax 3 lets through too many duff frames. I'm sure Registax 2 did a better job.

Still nice images Rog and nice colours on the second image.

Looking forward to your next go, I'll reckon you'll nail it perfectly like your Mars images.


well to be honest Russ i have Reg 3 , but went back to Reg 2 , as i find it alot better , i guess a lot of ppl like it cus you can get more frames stacked , but i think 3000 should be enough anyway.sooo we wait for good seeing and a llate night and give it a serious go ,




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Hi Gaz, i started of with this tutorial . although its version 3 tutorial it works the same as for version 2.1


ifanyone wanted to download version 2.1 its here still ,


hope that helps anyone ,

it would do a far better job than i could do ,

but if anyone wants to know anything else from there , please just ask ,



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