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Problems opening files in GIMP

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After getting all my subs stacked in DSS and saving my final picture in a file on the desktop (TIFF) when I try to tweak it in GIMP, it won't open properly. All that comes up is a checker board. Where am I going wrong and what can I do to fix it?

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Thanks Michael for the mention of ImageJ. I too hadn't come across it but have just been investigating -- highly extensible tool, which is always of interest to programmers...

see http://www.astro.louisville.edu/software/astroimagej/

Here's a video describing how one might use it for initial astro image processing (darks, flats etc)



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After getting all my subs stacked in DSS and saving my final picture in a file on the desktop (TIFF) when I try to tweak it in GIMP, it won't open properly.

Hmm - how are you saving it from DSS? I do this all the time saving at 16bit and GIMP opens them with no problem (apart from the fact that they are 16bit so gimp scales them to 8bit!)


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I have a folder on the desktop that I made for the stacked image. Before I start the stacking process, I select this folder in the output options section. After stacking It is saved there as a TIFF. Then after the final image is displayed at the top of DSS I also save it as 16bit TIFF with a different name (so I have both image files but can tell them apart) in the same folder. But when I try to open either of them in GIMP, I get a flash on the screen of some sort of error messages about the image and I just get a checkered screen. It's starting to bug me as I thought GIMP should be able to open a TIFF file? Maybe something happened when I downloaded GIMP? Info of the pics I saved in the folder say they are TIFF?

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Still no go with being able to convert TIFF into something I can open in GIMP. A few things I read online said that to convert the images first open them in GIMP. Well how can I open it in GIMP if Gimp won't open it? Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

I downloaded the AstroimageJ and when trying to install it, it says I need some sort of java file and to open the file so it can be used. I have no clue where this file would be. I looked in every folder that downloaded with AIJ and I'm still stuck.  I apologize if none of this makes sense. I am not the most computer literate person. Any suggestions?

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its possible your trying to open the tiff file as layers. 

have a try at this, dont drag and drop images into gimp. it complains they are not 8bit.

open gimp, at top click, File  - Open 

now browse to your image/images

select the tiff you require hit OPEN.

a small box will appear , (import from tiff )

click the Open pages to IMAGES and not the layers default.

you should now have your tiff imported into gimp in 16/8 bit as an image .

hope this helps and works to solve your problem.


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(apart from the fact that they are 16bit so gimp scales them to 8bit!)

I thought I read somewhere that GIMP can now do 16bit

but I've just been looking round their website and can see no mention of a 16bit version ( except a hoped for v3 !)

(other than some obscure branch sw !)

Gosh it has been a long time promised now :( !

Artweaver is a slightly gimpish feeling sw that can do 16bit (but fails to do other things that gimp is good at ! sigh! )

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its possible your trying to open the tiff file as layers. 

have a try at this, dont drag and drop images into gimp. it complains they are not 8bit.

open gimp, at top click, File  - Open 

now browse to your image/images

select the tiff you require hit OPEN.

a small box will appear , (import from tiff )

click the Open pages to IMAGES and not the layers default.

you should now have your tiff imported into gimp in 16/8 bit as an image .

hope this helps and works to solve your problem.


Tried that and still the same thing. It opens a grey checkerboard box.

Does the file name contain any spaces or unusual characters? Probably clutching at straws but some programs are fussy.

Nope nothing unusual.

This is getting frustrating lol.

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