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Jupiter GRS 11.03.2014


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Scope: 200P Camera: ASI120MC Mount: NEQ6 Pro Accessories: Televue 4x Powermate

Conditions have been very poor where I am recently. At a first (quick) glance it has apeared clear but then when you look properly it is apparent that there is high hazy cloud which shows a halo around the moon. It has been like this for the last 3 "clear" nights I have been out.

It was like that last night, although almost full blown fog really. As I had setup I attempted to get the GRS transit so the below is the best 4000 of 6000 frames captured with Sharpcap 2 and stacked in AS!2. Waveles in Registax 5.1 and further sharpening in Photoshop CS2. I have really had to over process this to get any detail really. One thing I can see is that in this image (despite it's obvious problems) it does show some detail in the GRS which is a first for me. So if conditons are ever good enough in the future I may be able to get some good detail to show across the disc and get things nice and sharp too.

I have some images of the double shadow transit from the other night but they are terrible and I am unsure whether they are even postable! :)

Jupiter 11_03_2014 20_16_51 sharpest by Gattouomo161, on Flickr

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Nice image Felix! There is still quite a bit of detail in there despite the conditions.


Thanks Angie :) I'm desperate for a perfect seeing, crystal clear night though to see what I can achieve with the 4x powermate. Will have to be patient :)

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Excellent capture Felix and I can concur with your observations of moon Halo etc.....the same here ....frustrtating - to put it diplomatically!! Given this you have done very well - plenty of detail and GRS nicely placed - always nice to capture this! Excellent.

                                                           Best regards,


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Excellent capture Felix and I can concur with your observations of moon Halo etc.....the same here ....frustrtating - to put it diplomatically!! Given this you have done very well - plenty of detail and GRS nicely placed - always nice to capture this! Excellent.

Best regards,


Thanks Ralph. Heartening to hear it is not just the sky over my garden that is experiencing these annoying conditions :) Here's to hoping we get properly clear skies soon.

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Thanks guys. I've been chatting with people much better at maths than myself and they say that I am imaging with current setup at 0.19 arcseconds per pixel and that 0.25 would be best. Not really sure what it means it how to achieve it but I'm sure they're right :)

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Great image even under poor conditions! I also have a 200p and looking for a good powermate and was considering which power to get. It seems the 4x fits the bill then?! Have you tried the 4x for Lunar shots and How does it do with the 200p?

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It's an interesting one regarding the powermates. I have always imaged with the 2x powermate and I must say at the shorter focal length the imaging is easier. By that I mean even under trying conditions you can more easily get sharper results. I have only just started with the 4x and it is harder to get the same level of quality I was getting with the 2x.

I have done some lunar shots but not yet processed the footage. The seeing wasn't great but I'll post them when I'm done. I think to use the 4x with the 200P the polar alignment needs to be spot on so that there is minimal drift and the conditions need to be good.

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Thanks catman! Answers my questions. For starting out it seems the 2x is a very good option for me. I think too as I really would like to shoot the moon as well, for now the 2x is all I need, until I save some more pennies.

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