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Moon Glare

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Hi All,

are there any tips people use when trying to capture Galaxies when the moon is out i live in a light poluted place so the combination of moon and LP is hard to get a good sub without being pail grey in colour any advice


It is quite impossible to block moon glow :)  The only way I know is to go to a narrower band for imaging.

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It's quite impossible to see anywhere as much detail when you get a good moon.

I went to a dark sky site last night, which it was nice to get away from the LP but I can usually see more in the sky from my back garden due to the moon being near to full.

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Hi All,

are there any tips people use when trying to capture Galaxies when the moon is out i live in a light poluted place so the combination of moon and LP is hard to get a good sub without being pail grey in colour any advice


The late Sir Patrick Moore spent a life time studying our nearest celestial neighbour, it is a very much under rated and neglected DSO target, if shot well the Moon pictures could be stunning, but these are as difficult to capture well and process as any other DSOs.


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Yes the moon can be annoying but also great. Not many objects we can all see so close. Second the difficulty on getting the perfect detail shot.

Sent from my Windows Phone 8X by HTC using Tapatalk

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I've got to the point where I've stopped worrying about it and just embraced the moon :)    I've been thinking of grabbing me an Ha filter and going with that, but up until now I've always done moon and planetary imaging when the moon is around.

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