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Telescope Identification help please

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I was wondering if anyone can help me identify this telescope, it has no manufacturer mark, the only writing on it is:

15x-45x50mm ZOOM TELESCOPE and underneath it says in smaller writing:

ACHROMATIC COATED LENS    JAPAN and it has a "z" in a diamond shape, please see pictures, it appears to be brown although I am somewhat colour blind, it is solid, and heavy.

Also, it has a sticker on it that says 12 PASSED Japn Telscopes Inspection Institute.

Look forward to any help you can give.


 ;  post-31810-0-16149200-1394363009_thumb.j

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Tasco used to make a 25x-45x 50mm Zoom Telescope.

Couple on ebay but they look different, alsothe one I can see has Tasco on it in bold white writing. Which would be a little obvious.

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Thanks, that does look very similar, I'll check the brand to see if they did/do other models, it is unusual to find an instrument with no manufacturer name or mark, the intriguing thing is it is very well made, the optics are dare I say very good, it is quite weighty for its size, I think somewhere around a kilo or more. it does have a very similar bracket underneath to the Zumex one on ebay, the difference being it is a uniform colour and the bracket my telescope has has 2 tripod holes, not sure why it would have 2 but as I say it is quite heavy and about a foot and a half in length.


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It looks to me like a scope which was sold in California by KMART back in the 1970s, under the brand name " Focal ".

I had one, and also 8 x 20 binoculars which I still have. The scope as I recall had a chrome wire tripod.

Edit: Is your scope marked  OPKO  ?

Edited by L8-Nite
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Sounds intriguing, there are no other words than the one in the picture, I would like to know more about the "Focal" telescope if you have any pictures etc, the only bit of information is it says Japan then <Z> which is actually a diamond shape enclosing the Z, but I can't find a tool to draw one.There are no serial numbers or anything.

It is all metal and the focuser and zoom parts are quite rigid and allow for only slow focusing, the focus part is well greased (the sort usually found on machinery, maybe for harsh/outdoor conditions but I'm just speculating that really), not sure if it should be that way??

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Hi Weetooner,

Thanks very much for that, that is exactly it, I will be able to sleep now, brilliant!! I can't believe for such a seemingly cheap telescope how solidly built it is.

Thanks everyone for your help, I knew someone here would have the answer.


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your telescope was made by company commonly known as Tanzutsu.

                                                                                                                  mike h

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  • 4 years later...

I have one right in front of me, attached as a finder scope on my Celestron 8SE, but without reticule.  It is a Carl Wetzlar hunting/sport scope.

Edit:  There is a small silver rectangular sticker just above the opening for the Zoom that says CarlWetzlar.  Probably the Importer.  Mine also has the round yellow sticker near the eyepiece that says Japan Telescopes Inspection Institute and in the centre is 15 PASSED.

Edited by Space Manta Ray
Just noticed this thread is just a few years old.
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  • 1 year later...

I think you would have to place it at the focal plane of the eyepice, (assuming you can dismantle it and/or have experience of optics). The crosshairs are made from a very fine wire or spider-web, (though not sure of what species). I did once try make or repair one myself with some fine wire, cheap e/p, cyanoacrylate adhesive [superglue]... it did not work!

I believe TAL used to do a threaded crosshair adaptor that screwed into their eyepices.

Personally, I would invest in a ready made finderscope and/or RDF, (even a rilfescope can be used) - either option will be a lot less hassle.

Edited by Philip R
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