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Weird Object?

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Hi All,

My name is Ben, Im currently looking outside my window which is facing around South and its currently 18:30 27th Feb 2014,

There is a weird bright light in the sky, just a bit dimmer than Jupiter is to the naked eye. It isn't a plane or anything of that sort. Its been puzzling me about what it is, It also is flashing different colours very rapidly but its hard to take a picture of it, I have been seeing this light for quite some time now. I also dont think that it is a planet.

May someone help me?


Ben Rolfe

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Hi Ben. What you are seeing is the star called Sirius (aka The Dog Star). Its almost due south right now. The reason it changes colour is because it never rises too high and the light from it is coming to your eyes through a thick layer of atmosphere and pollution. Its really quite stunning.


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Hi Ben. What you are seeing is the star called Sirius (aka The Dog Star). Its almost due south right now. The reason it changes colour is because it never rises too high and the light from it is coming to your eye through a thich layer of atmosphere and pollution. Its really quite stunning.


Just looked it up on the web and saw a star names sirius, they say its the brightest star in the sky,

Thanks for the help,

Regards, Ben

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Just looked it up on the web and saw a star names sirius, they say its the brightest star in the sky,

Thanks for the help,

Regards, Ben

I believe it is the brightest star in the night sky. Many people think (assume) that Polaris "The North Star" is the brightest star in the night sky. It's not.

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Ben,......The 3 Star  belt of Orion are the director / pointer stars to locate Sirius. when Sirius is high enough to see, its the brightest Star in the sky (magnitude -1.46) but Venus (the morning/evening Star, is brighter at magnitude -4.6) when its visible. Sirius is Greek for "Glowing" or "Scorcher"

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Hi All,

My name is Ben, Im currently looking outside my window which is facing around South and its currently 18:30 27th Feb 2014,

There is a weird bright light in the sky, just a bit dimmer than Jupiter is to the naked eye. It isn't a plane or anything of that sort. Its been puzzling me about what it is, It also is flashing different colours very rapidly but its hard to take a picture of it, I have been seeing this light for quite some time now. I also dont think that it is a planet.

May someone help me?


Ben Rolfe

just to add as you say, you didnt think it was a planet, your right, because planets dont twinkle

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