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Webcam for Imaging


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Please could someone clarify if I can use a webcam straight off ? 

I have seen all the webcam mods on youtube and here on SGL but my question if anyone knows the answer is 

Can I use my HD 720p webcam without modding it ?

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You will need to remove the lens from the webcam for it to image correctly (prime focus).

Thanks I just was going to use my webcam I have on my PC but sounds like i will have to purchase 1 for my scope   Do you know if I am better buying a HD 720 cam or a standard cam like the xbox  on all the mod videos ? is there a huge difference ?

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I'm not sure how much you gain from an HD cam other than very big file sizes. The chip on the webcam is very small compared to a DSLR so the image will be far bigger in the scope. In comparison when I attach my DSLR to my scope I have to use a 2x Barlows and straight in the scope for the Web Cam. Both produce similar sized images.

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I've been using my SPC900NC for a good while now (badly - it's supposed to be one of the best webcams!) and am so frustrated with the results I'm going to try using my DSLR on video mode. Do you have a DSLR with that facility?


I dont have a DSLR as I have just started out in this hobby
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Hi Alexxx,  what's the problem with your SPC900NC?  Yes - it is a good planetary webcam.

Quite often webcam becames to "weak" for demanding photographer :)

As for webcams it's important which model you will buy as most no-name webcams will be very bad, and uncontrollable for astrophotography even by SharpCap (bad frame quality, lack of good exposure range to control etc.). The very old SPC do work, there are also new MS LifeCam Cinema/Studio cameras, and there are some SPC-alike clones (but rare, old). Sometimes dedicated cameras show up in very low prices: http://www.zwoptical.com/Eng/Cameras/ASI034/index.asp or http://cgi.ebay.pl/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=291063366578

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I just don't seem to get the detail and clarity that others do. You can see my kit in my sig. I used to used a 4x Imagemate but it was rubbish compared to a 3x TAL I borrowed from a friend. I then bought one but I'm still struggling. It's just not my thing I guess!

I don't want to hijack this thread! :grin:

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I wasn't getting the most out of my SPC900 (due to alot of factors, most of which were not the webcam) and have reverted back to my modded xbox webcam. It really doesnt take much to modify it and can produce some ok results. As an introduction to webcam imaging, Id certainly suggest using a cheap one first to learn the ropes and find out if its the method for you. Once you know how to do it, then you can look at something abit more fancy.

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To be honest I didn't get the right results with my Phillips, I just couldn't get the settings right at all.

However I did invest in an ASI120MM and since that point my imaging has taken a collosal leap forward in ease and detail achievable.

What programs are you using for capture, I used to use K3CCD with my Toucam

The seeing has got to be really good to be able to push and use a 4X image mate particularly with such a small chip.

I only use a 2.5X powermate and to be honest it gives a really good image size when coupled directly to my C9.25.

Imaging planets is really difficult and precise as I am finding out.

The seeing, the collimation, the dew, the steadiness of the mount, the upload capability of your computer etc etc, all adds up to pretty meagre results if you try to push everything a little too much.

a 3X Tal would be more forgiving but you could just try a 2x barlow and to increase the image size just put some more distance in the optical train between the barlow and the camera (but not too much)


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hi Jonesee 

i have used a few webcams logitech / ps3 eye / xbox / lots of cheep cams / but the best by far is the microsoft lifecam hd-3000 it is atleast 4 times more sensitive than any webcam i have used for guiding and it on orion it shows some of the nebula in realtime vid.

i just tried a quick jupiter capture to see how it did and in my opinion not bad for a first go with this cam.


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So far I haven't seen any reference to what the OP wishes to image with a webcam.

As far as I am aware the only targets are lular or planetary with a standard webcam. To image DSO's a long exposure (LE) mod has to be undertaken.



I would like to image the moon 1st and anything else I can with the scope I have,  I am going to try the xbox webcam to start off with as its the cheapest option 1st to see how i go and then if its working for me then try a better quality webcam and then see where that takes me

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