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I've bought a big Dob...

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Thanks everyone for the good wishes etc. I'm really looking forward to using the big boy.

A proper first light report will be delayed as last night didn't go according to plan. I had some quick views of the most obvious targets: Jupiter, Orion Nebula and the Plaiedes and the scope was obviously a but out of collimation after its travels. The views were enough to show what will be possible though. Stopped for dinner and went back out to find a layer of cloud ( so much for the forecast) so I retreated back indoors.

I will need to concentrate on the collimation adjustments and then have another go.I have an old laser collimater which I tried but I wonder if it's still working OK as the red spot seems very spread out and diffuse after reflection.

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Thanks everyone for the good wishes etc. I'm really looking forward to using the big boy.

A proper first light report will be delayed as last night didn't go according to plan. I had some quick views of the most obvious targets: Jupiter, Orion Nebula and the Plaiedes and the scope was obviously a but out of collimation after its travels. The views were enough to show what will be possible though. Stopped for dinner and went back out to find a layer of cloud ( so much for the forecast) so I retreated back indoors.

I will need to concentrate on the collimation adjustments and then have another go.I have an old laser collimater which I tried but I wonder if it's still working OK as the red spot seems very spread out and diffuse after reflection.

try your laser with a barlow

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A proper first light report is delayed due to lack of clear skies - at least for any reasonable period.

However, I have had a quick look at some old favourites and I am excited by the possibilities.

Jupiter was a wealth of detail and looked just like a good image. The Orion Nebula was spectacular - stretching beyond what I've seen before and showing a distinct green tinge. M45 was great too with nebulosity clearly visible. And these DSOs were just a quick glance really with no dark adaption etc.

Mars was disappointing and I tried for an hour or so one morning but could not see any more than with the SCT but I came to the conclusion that the limiting factor was the seeing.

I am still looking forward to a good clear spell with no moon to put the scope through its paces.

I'm loving the quick and easy set up but I do have to get used to getting smooth movement in tracking objects.

It takes just minutes to trundle him out the garage, do a quick collimation check and point at an object. At the moment I have to use the front doors of the garage (but I have plans!) and I'm sure that the neighbours must be intrigued by this beast being dragged across the lawn!


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Very nice scope you have, and a great size too. It is interesting when you say that until you used the forum you did not think a bob would be for you. I used to be the same but now that I have had one for about a year, it is the scope that gets used the most. The simplicity of set up etc with no faffing about, you are observing in no time. :smile:

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Congrats on your 14" Dob Kerry you make me envious with my 10", However I have to lug mine up & down Stairs into the car then out into the Forest for dark skies each time I want to use mine :grin: ,

One thing I have done with my Dob is fit a Lazysusan Bearing to the base!, Wow what a difference it makes to nudging the scope round  with ease,   http://www.qualitybearingsonline.com/lazy-susan-bearings/lazy-susan-bearing-12-inch-round/ I fitted the 12" one to my scope I have seen 14" as well, :smiley: .

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