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Moon Surprise


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Very surprised to get 30 minutes of viewing in last night with the stock CPC925 in manual mode - awaiting budget for add-ons :-)

Spent a while skewing around and settled on the moon - stunning views, bright, but some lovely contrast. pulled out the iPhone, not really thinking I'd get much. Sat down later and found a shot I'm quite chuffed with. First imaging itch scratched :-) Minor adjustments in Snapseed.


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Thanks all! Ooh, sorry, just noticed a section for posting lunar shots. Got too excited :-)

I was very surprised to get a good focus. Certainly more fluke than skill :-) Took three shots, this being the first (!) and best. I just put the edge of a finger betwixt the lens and eyepiece to get a degree of control on focus/image crop.

I removed a bit of magenta/red (LP or eyepiece problem?)

Moox, what eyepiece was that through? Mine was 40mm Stock Celestron.


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Thanks, it's giving me the itch to get some AP kit for the CPC - presently reading Making Every Photon Count. I need to upgrade from the 1.25" train on the back first though. That's for another post.

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I've got a 5D mk iii as part of my job, so I'm going to look into getting that fitted up to the CPC next. Just got to work out the minefield of adapters, extensions, back focus, OAG, filters... Et cetera :-)


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