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Orion and Rosette


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Just before Xmas I bought a SW Equinox 80, then just after Xmas I bought myself a modified Canon 1100D. These are the results of my first night out. I'm still waiting for the second night!

The Orion image is a combination of single frames of 300sec, 150sec and 90sec. All at 800ASA. I tried stacking more frames but got a strange smudge effect. A kind of step and repeat banding.

Anyhow. I'm quite pleased with the result.

The Rosette was one of those end of a session shots. Just trusted in the GOTO and took some shots. Had to end because of clouds, so went in and downloaded the pictures.

Then I realised that the Rosette was only half in frame. Grrrrr. So I patiently waited and within 30 min the clouds had cleared enough for this frame.

I know it could be better but I was chuffed with this. 300sec at 800ASA. Single frame.


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Wow! That is beautiful. And a good hit for a first run.

If I may ask. I see you have a canon 60D, but you use a modified 1100D. My thoughts are the 60D have much better ISO qualities. Why not doing the reversed, modding the 60D?

Best, Solo

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Solo, I wanted to keep the 60D as a 'normal' camera. I bought the 1100D as a modified camera. I do miss the adjustable display of  the 60D though.

Gav, I use DSS and have used it successfully before. Not sure what is going on with the stacking. You know in Photoshop if you clone and drag, you can get a repeat pattern. Well, its like that. It gives a sort of streaked effect to the background.

Thanks to all for the kind words.



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When I got my 1100d a few months ago I found that DSS was smearing the stacked image, which didn't happen with frames from my 450d. I asked for help on SGL and a few people told me that I needed to download the latest beta version. I think it's now 3.3.4 and no longer beta. I did that and haven't had a problem since.


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