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First picture of Jupiter and its Galilean moons :)

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Decided that I wasn't going to let the fact that I don't own any fancy photography equipment stop me from getting a photo of Jupiter; I'm a bit stubborn like that :p

My picture is NOTHING compared to the fantastic images I've seen on here.  I'm not even sure if it's what Jupiter is meant to look like, but I put my newbie skills to the test and got this:

I used an 8" Dobson with a 25mm EP and a 2x Barlow.  I dug out my old compact Samsung camera, zoomed in a bit, held it to the eyepiece and took an 11 second video... despite my best efforts to stay still, my hand had other ideas!  I downloaded Registax, and have no idea what I did... I should've perhaps read a tutorial on how to use it, but I tend to always go in all guns blazing, so why change the habit of a lifetime!  I messed about with it for a bit, but my image still looked pretty poor once I was done, so I just changed the exposure slightly on some free online photo editor thingy, et voila - I got something that will hopefully pass as an adequate first attempt at photographing Jupiter!

If anyone has any tips on how to get the best out of a compact camera, or how to edit pictures properly, they'd be much appreciated! :D

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Considering you're holding the camera next to the eyepiece that's a great effort. Before I got my camera adapter I could never manage anything resembling a planet if  I tried an a-focal shot through an eyepiece.

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Thanks guys! :)

I'm incredibly surprised that my camera even managed to pick up any detail on the planet.  I spent about 2 hours trying in vain to take a picture using both my phone and my compact camera, but as you can imagine, all I was getting was a bright blur with four smaller bright blurs next to it.  I was just about to give up when I decided to try taking a video instead, and I was actually shocked when I zoomed in and a couple of the bands appeared very faintly on the screen!  I even managed to get some detail on a video I took using my phone, which I wasn't expecting at all... technology these days! :p

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