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I hate the Jetstream!!


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Is anyone else frustrated by the wretched Jetstream sitting over us? :mad:

I'm told that this is the reason we are having such awful weather, and also why we are having such lousy seeing on the few occasions the sky is actually clear.

I managed to get my 6" refractor out two nights ago, but turning to M42 I struggled to see the E Star in the Trapezium, and only got a (suspected) hint of the F component - on a night of good seeing, I'd normally be able to see both of these pretty easily, without having to go above x200 - and the seeing just didn't support this power.

I also had a good look at Jupiter, and although I could make out 5 bands with a 7mm ortho, giving about x180, I just couldn't get a sharp view with my 5 or 6mm orthos - not normal for this time of year.

Don't get me wrong..even with poor seeing you can get some pleasant views of deep sky clusters etc, but it would be nice to get some more stable air above us so we could get some proper planetary and double star observing in over the holiday :cool: ..anyone know if the Jetstream is likely to move any time soon?



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It is more then just the jet stream.

There was a recent repeat of something about the earths travels in a year. They explained and showed that we are at the boundry of 2 of climatic cells, which are in a tug of war for the skies above us. These seem to be the bigger problem, then we have the Jetstream and the general Westerly's which carry water to us.

When you dig into it and find all the factors it is a wonder we ever see a blue sky. Look up Hadley Cells or Climatic Cells.

We sit just where the Ferrel Cell and the Polar Cell meet. Ferrel Cell is warm, Polar cell cold, where they collide cloud forms and they meet right over the UK latitude. Possibly the jetstram is simply a boundry marker.

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With all these secret weather modification programs that are being undertaken by these mad Scientist & the uk Government in the name of global warming trying to play god its no wonder we don't get clear sky's any more often!.

The use of Haarp Though denied by HAARP can and has been used for weather control, to cause Earthquakes and Tsunamis, Typhoons,  Alter the Jet stream cause floods  & abnormal weather conditions, Including the melting of the arctic ice cap for more than a decade now and more?. (All in the name of Global Warming????)

Research Geoengineering Programs and the Haarp weather modification programs for yourselves on Google?,

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With all these secret weather modification programs that are being undertaken by these mad Scientist & the uk Government in the name of global warming trying to play god its no wonder we don't get clear sky's any more often!.

The use of Haarp Though denied by HAARP can and has been used for weather control, to cause Earthquakes and Tsunamis, Typhoons,  Alter the Jet stream cause floods  & abnormal weather conditions, Including the melting of the arctic ice cap for more than a decade now and more?. (All in the name of Global Warming????)

Research Geoengineering Programs and the Haarp weather modification programs for yourselves on Google?,

Conspiracy theories ...  :grin: you can never get away from them on interweb.

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