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Jupiter 11.12.13 DSLR


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Here's my first attempt at planetary imaging. Just recently purchased a CG5 and Skymax 127 from FLO (cheers guys) so thought would have a quick go with the 1100D with jupiter.

Anyway, I recorded 2000 frames using BackyardEOS and stacked around 800-1000 of these. I've been trying to get to grips and playing around with both registax 5 & 6 so may have been more or less stacked.

Nothing compared with the other users on here, however as it's my first attempt thought would share and hopefully gain some comments to help improve along the journey.

Thanks for looking.




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Just an idea, if you load your images into registax the use the selection tool to select best 50 to 100 over a 2 minute time frame then restack.


Seeing varies so images clear and distort every 25th of second. So you will have clear and blurred images in your stack.

Secondly Jupiter rotation is fast so you need to choose a 2/3 minute window for selected frames to reduce rotational blurring

This has helped me clean worse images than this.

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Just an idea, if you load your images into registax the use the selection tool to select best 50 to 100 over a 2 minute time frame then restack.


Seeing varies so images clear and distort every 25th of second. So you will have clear and blurred images in your stack.

Secondly Jupiter rotation is fast so you need to choose a 2/3 minute window for selected frames to reduce rotational blurring

This has helped me clean worse images than this.

I'll give this a go over the weekend and see if I can improve what I've recorded and see the outcome. Cheers for the advice.

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Looks really nice considering this is with a DSLR! Think you should be very happy with this :)

Sent from Xperia Z1 using Tapatalk.

Thanks :smiley:  going to see what I can get with a DSLR then look at other options later down the line.

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I think you're doing really well....That's lovely and much better than anything I've achieved.

Are the 2000 images taken in planetary part of BYEOS as a video or are they 2000 separate captures? Any info on the camera settings (ISO/Speed)

Well done


Yeah taken in planetary using video mode, set it to 2000 frames, I notice that BYEOS saves the individual frames too so may look at them individually and drop all the best ones in myself (may take a while though!)

Tthink ISO was either 200 or 400 and approx 1/5. I'm not 100% on these - next time I'm out I'll make a note and update on next attempts to be sure.

I just adjusted the ISO and speed until I seen what thought was a decent image in between Jupiter bouncing about, atmosphere seemed pretty wild.

Used the 5x view and used a 2x barlow to increase image size.

Hope that helps.

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Bravo Sir! Very good for a first attempt and especially with a DSLR and 5" scope most impressive!

Rotational blur is not an issue at this focal length you could easily take a 4-5 min avi and not have a problem. If you reduce the frames to 100s the image will be too noisy and lose the vibrance of detail. Keep stacking at least 1000.

Autostakert is a better program for stacking and aligning and just use registax for auto RGB align, auto RGB balance and wavelets.

JamesF has done an excellent Autostakert tutorial :


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Bravo Sir! Very good for a first attempt and especially with a DSLR and 5" scope most impressive!

Rotational blur is not an issue at this focal length you could easily take a 4-5 min avi and not have a problem. If you reduce the frames to 100s the image will be too noisy and lose the vibrance of detail. Keep stacking at least 1000.

Autostakert is a better program for stacking and aligning and just use registax for auto RGB align, auto RGB balance and wavelets.

JamesF has done an excellent Autostakert tutorial :


Cheers :smiley:

I've had a go with Autostakkert and seen the end stacked image looked better than that on registax but I was stuck with how to develop it further. I'll try this and move the stacked image on Registax as suggested to play with the wavelets etc.

Thanks for the link, I've seen a lot of James pics and must commend his images so will be good to follow his guide.

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This is what jupiter looks like through my 8 inch reflector and DSLR on a single pic.

Ive never actually tried making a video of it s its just a bright disc so am i doing something wrong?


From my little experience it looks like either the ISO is set to high and or a too slow shutter speed. I just played around, try dropping the ISO to about 200-400 and increase the shutter speed until the glare dims down and details stars to appear.

I'll attach a single image roughly as detailed above to show what I got.

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Yeah Leewilky, your image is over exposed... you need to see what the camera has chosen for shutter speed, and turn camera to manual, then set things allowing lees light in. Camera will have chosen maybe 1/60 of a second you want to try 1/125 then 1/250, then maybe 1/500..... the moons will disappear though! as Moss said you can also play with ISO setting and make the number lower.

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Hi guys thanks for tha advice.  It turns out i didnt realise i could change the movie mode to manual and therefore couldnt adjust the ISO lol.  Had a quick go last night but wind was very strong and didnt get much decent footage but managed this out of the firt vid i stacked.  I have about 5 more vids so gonna have a play with them and see what i can come up with.


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