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Which 14mm??


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I have got a 14mm Delos and I don't really think anything else is left to be said about them, total class glass. I also had the 14mm UWA the same as Michael and I have to say this too is a very good eyepiece and agree with his ER statement.

I don't have the 14mm 100 degree but do have the 13mm, if the ExSc offering is anything like the Televue it will be a lovely eyepiece. I do not have any problems with the extra wide views these offer but fully understand they are not for everyone.


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I have the 14mm Meade 5000 UWA and it is indeed a splendid EP.

I've not uploaded images before, so here we go, but this is a comparison through Stellarium of the 82o and a 100o at 14mm:

Sorry, but SGL didn't seem to want to accept any picture file extensions.  :p
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I'd go for the 14mm Delos, but I've not tried the ES or Pentax offerings and I'm generally not that bothered about ultra wide views (apart from for my lowest mag eyepiece, where I want as much sky as possible with a reasonable exit pupil).

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Out of curiosity, has anybody compared the Delos with ES 82deg equivalents?

I have had both at the time, I also had the 14mm XW at the time as the Delos and the Meade. I never really put the two into bat at the same time though. My 14mm UWA was always just left in the piggy back scope on the LX and because I had the others never needed to remove it. From memory it will not disappoint you, of that I am sure, it was very tidy at the edges in the F5.26 M/N, it was not quite Nagler class but not far off. The Delos as I said, these are as good as they come and it will out perform the UWA in most areas, again not by much. If I had a choice of all the 14mm mentioned it would be the Delos I would take, it is very difficult to live with.


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How well does the 24mm ES 82 work for you in the 10"?Field curvature,astigmatism,contrast etc?

It is actually very clean edge to edge contrast. I dont use it very often, but based on the number of times I looked through it in the 10" I didnt see any noticeable astagmatism.

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My 18mm ES is an excellent eyepiece,however my testing is limited so far.In my 90mm refractor last night,under VERY poor skies,18.4 mag/arc sec-the 18mm would show the core of M42 with no filter and with the Ultrablock the wings were visible,trap resolved,no e & f.Ring neb visible (barely) with no filter and with the Ultra, distinct.The core of M31 was visible,easily and polaris was split easily as well....all at 35x in the frac.So far the view is the SAME as my Nagler.This was at f7,will try it in the dob under dark skies to come-but i know it will do very well.Eye relief is tighter than the Delos as you know,but the ES is easier to use than my Ethos....

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