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aldi s dont give sound advice

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I've seen this ad. Incredible. Perhaps there will be newbies coming on SGL and  asking if it is any good. All they need to do is read this thread. NO, no,no. I'd rather keep my £39.99 in my pocket. Utter rubbish, but unfortunately there will be some people out there who know nothing about scopes, but who have seen the media coverage and also the magnification that Aldi claim that it can achieve and go and buy it. There are going to be a lot of unhappy people out there soon.

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"and aldi reckon have a look at it when its actually behind the sun and coming round"

I can't believe a company, even one like Aldi, would give such stupid advice. You never point a 'scope at the Sun, or even its general direction, unless you have all the proper protection attached. 

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3 year warranty & telephone support. Might be worth a wind up - My scope appears to be out of collimation and displaying some some sperical abberation, could you talk me through the collimation or arrange a replacent......

typed on my mobile with Tapatalk

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The ad seems to have changed and doesn't mention comet ISON and does say "Do not use this telescope to look at the sun".


Searching on Google for "aldi telescope" the first hit is SGL. 

yes I saw it wasn't on there online article, I noticed it when I picked up there leaflet for special buys today , so maybe they did change the online ad , but still handing out leaflets

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