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Remote Setup - A Work In Progress....


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Hello All,

As some of you will know (been banging on about for long enough!) I've been tinkering of late with a sort of remote setup.  I am not 100% finished as there some tweaks to be made and as always there will be things added as I think of them but for now this is where I'm at :grin:

Outside Sockets:


Inside Sockets:


Control Room: (AKA My Office)



Telescope Watchtower:


Laser Pointer/Finder:


Last Night's Testing:












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Okay for some reason the site as duplicated the images I was trying to post!!

Anyway to conclude...

All is working apart from the laser pointer.  This currently I have to switch on at the scope as it seems when you use to much cable for the pressure switch it is losing power.  Thanks to Hemmi I'm now looking at a wirelesses solution.  I am also looking for one that can deal with the cold without the need for hand warmers.  Signal is pretty good but I think a better monitor will improve the pictures but as I say a work in progress!  



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That looks like an interesting set up. Were the covered outdoor terminal boxes standard ones from a DIY chain or specially ordered?

Hi yes all standard boxes/modules bought of the shelf.  The BNC I made myself with blank modules.  I did originally use phono but signal was poor!

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A great deal of thought and planning has gone into your set up - very professional - I am impressed!!

Now my system is operational I need to work out a better arrangement to cope with cabling etc. Your set up is inspirational and should provide some ideas!!

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Karl,A great deal of thought and planning has gone into your set up - very professional - I am impressed!!Now my system is operational I need to work out a better arrangement to cope with cabling etc. Your set up is inspirational and should provide some ideas!!

Thanks Nibor and you are right this was very taxing on my brain! The problem I found was I knew what I wanted but had no clue hoe to do it so I've had to learn on the job! Anyway I pleased you like it and I would recommend this route if you want better cabling solutions. Yes I still have plenty outside but inside everything is hidden from view and tidy which for me is perfect :)



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Karl outstanding setup I think you are setting the benchmark for remote video!!


Thanks Carl it is getting there and just in time too as it was freezing last night! All I need now is an observatory so I can get out of packing up at silly o clock!!



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Very impressive Karl. I could do with that setup, but It looks complicated and I havn't got the expertise to do it. I just have my cables trailing through the window which is a step up for me as they were trailing through the door. The problem with the door is that it opens outward and I had to tie it up to keep it shut. But, it's still much better than being outside for hours in the freezing cold.


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professional looking install there karl nice and neat. is there a reason with you going for a lazer finder, maybe if your having problems how about fitting a webcam or small Watec to your finder scope. you could use a slr lens and use the crosshairs in the software instead of the finder and could also use it as a widefield cam at the same time, 2 birds with one stone.

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Very impressive Karl. I could do with that setup, but It looks complicated and I havn't got the expertise to do it. I just have my cables trailing through the window which is a step up for me as they were trailing through the door. The problem with the door is that it opens outward and I had to tie it up to keep it shut. But, it's still much better than being outside for hours in the freezing cold.


Hi Brenda,

If I can do it so can you it just means asking lots of questions and on here in particular!  I also used to have all manor of long cables running through doors and windows but at this time of year that is tricky.  That said it is still better than standing outside in the cold!



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professional looking install there karl nice and neat. is there a reason with you going for a lazer finder, maybe if your having problems how about fitting a webcam or small Watec to your finder scope. you could use a slr lens and use the crosshairs in the software instead of the finder and could also use it as a widefield cam at the same time, 2 birds with one stone.

Thanks Johnno,

I have a CR6 attached to the scope with but with just the normal lens.  This gives me an excellent wide field of view similar (but not quite) to the view I would get if stood next to the scope and picks up the laser.  The laser used with the camera sort recreates that and allows me to do initial alignment from the office.  This is also useful if the scope accuracy is playing up.  I simply do another alignment without having to go back outside.  That said I do plan on attaching a camera to the finder also or another scope to use as a finder.  This one I will use with sense up to find DSOs if the main OTA is slightly off.  Once found on there I can adjust again to get the target into the main camera view.

Thanks again


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Wow you realy put alot of time and effort into this setup.  Really impressed. Nice job!

Looking great Karl! Excellent setup!

Wow Karl, very fancy  :laugh:

and tidy.

Now you have to hope you don't move houses soon  :grin:

Thanks Guys, I am pleased just need time and clear skies now to use it!  If I move Ken I'll just do it again only better ;)

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Superb set-up, it looks very professional! I like the use of the laser finder, it also reminds me of the big boys scopes and their adaptive optics! haha! I really like your cabling too.

I must admit I'm thinking about remote observing when its just so cold you freeze to the bone. My thought is using my Raspberry Pi to control the camera and scope, which is connected via WiFI to my main laptop. I can then adapt my imaging software to use a passthrough to the Pi (so all the hard math is done on the powerful machine), and also passthrough RS232 commands via WiFi to control the mount.

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Superb set-up, it looks very professional! I like the use of the laser finder, it also reminds me of the big boys scopes and their adaptive optics! haha! I really like your cabling too.

I must admit I'm thinking about remote observing when its just so cold you freeze to the bone. My thought is using my Raspberry Pi to control the camera and scope, which is connected via WiFI to my main laptop. I can then adapt my imaging software to use a passthrough to the Pi (so all the hard math is done on the powerful machine), and also passthrough RS232 commands via WiFi to control the mount.

Thanks Paul,  I like the sound of what you are planning it seems like easier solution to achieve the same result but a little beyond me.  I've not heard of Raspberry Pi but will look into it.  I do have Skyfi which enables me to control the scope wirelessly but found it was not compatible with the AZ EQ6 or my version of the software at least.  I also found it was not much cop when doing small adjustments.  I always found the hand controller much better for this but plan to try Stellarium soon.

Anyway thanks and keep us posted on your progress with Raspberry.



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 I also found it was not much cop when doing small adjustments.  I always found the hand controller much better for this but plan to try Stellarium soon.

I was testing this out last night. Maybe there is an option somewhere that i missed but as far as making small adjustments for a better view.... i couldnt do this in stellarium. Best i could do is just select a star pretty close to the object and hope it gives a better position. Think i will be investing in an extension cable for the autostar hand controller.

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I was testing this out last night. Maybe there is an option somewhere that i missed but as far as making small adjustments for a better view.... i couldnt do this in stellarium. Best i could do is just select a star pretty close to the object and hope it gives a better position. Think i will be investing in an extension cable for the autostar hand controller.

HI Chris,

I'll try this myself when possible but yeah I do think the hand controller works best.  I wonder is it possible to use both?  I'll check this out soon!



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Hello Mert,

Thank you.  It took me quite a while to be fair but this was mainly down to the fact I had never done much more than change a plug beforehand.  This meant I had to do a bit of research, get lots of advice and there was much trial and error!   I would say for someone in the know it would be relatively straight forward.  Essentially it is simply neat & tidy extension leads :)



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