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Suggested binocular objects now til end of november

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Hi folks,

You've all been so helpful so far in my first 3 days of sky watching that I've managed to see so far:

the moon, tycho, copernicus, the mares etc...

Venus - could just discern the crescent shape tonight at around 17:00

Jupiter - not very clear and jumps around a bit - but hey still impressive with just a pair of bins.

the great square of Pegasus, Orion + a bit of a fuzzy patch nebula !

Ursa Major, Ursa Minor and Polaris

Cassiopea (forgive my spelling)

so..... any good tips on what else to see at the moment with my bins (Celestron 15x70 skymaster - no tripod yet...)

i tried to look at the andromeda galaxy last night but couldn't see it - not sure if i was looking in exactly the right place or maybe the moon was just too bright?

I'm just looking through the turn left at Orion book too for ideas but I'm sure you guys will come up with some great sights...

thanks again ppl

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M31 is the obvious first, and M32 and M110 could also be spotted under good conditions. M33 is certainly possible, but all require dark skies without interfering moonlight. M42 is mice, and M45 is stunning. Loads of clusters can be found in Monoceros, and the Double Cluster should not be missed.

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Have you got stellarium its a free program that is invaluble for planning your nightly journey.

Stellarium is superb ( and free ). All it's missing is a weather plugin...though give it another 10 years and it will probably have that too.

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wow, just been looking at Jupiter with the bins and managed to see four moons - just checked stellarium and i think they were Ganymede, Europa, Io and Calliston on the other side !

never realised you could see so much with just a pair of binoculars !!

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Here's a few suggestions. Most will look best in you wait a week until the moon is a little less prominent.

M45 - Pleiades Star Cluster

M42/43 - Orion Nebula

M36/37/38 - The Auriga Clusters

NGC 884/869 - The Double Cluster in Perseus

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Gosh, what a great night for viewing earlier - I managed to find and see andromeda finally after 3 days of trying!

Also chanced on the Pleiades by accident - had to look up what the massive cluster of stars was!

Also saw the orion nebula vaguely too

Thanks for all the suggestions I'm seriously hooked! Got a stiff neck from all this looking up though!

By chance I left my stepladder outside yesterday - it makes a great stable mount to rest my elbows on for viewing till I get a monopod :-D

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Here's a few suggestions. Most will look best in you wait a week until the moon is a little less prominent.

M45 - Pleiades Star Cluster

M42/43 - Orion Nebula

M36/37/38 - The Auriga Clusters

NGC 884/869 - The Double Cluster in Perseus

ok, now seen M45 - bumped into it by accident (saw a large blur in the sky with naked and then looked with the bins ) - that cluster is really impressive.

M42 - got that one but wasn't particularly clear - couldn't really see any separation between that and M43 - might try again when the moon isn't so bright.

M36/37/38 - gonna try and look for those tonight, likewise for NGC 884/869

thanks for the pointers :smiley:

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