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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Think my youngest has finished all her exams now Vicky.

Will be great to get out again although the mirror is I think at least a month off being remotely finished and then I have the scope build to do which to be honest I'm not worried about.

Striking next week at work so that's not good but no time off just industrial action.

Bed for me as up at 5 I've had a looksies at Saturn though and scorpius

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I think they've finished most of theirs at Ossett Academy too. Sophie has got quite a few left to do, including all 3 of her further sciences, so they must be a different exam board.

I've used my binos more than my scope this year I think. It's only this last couple of weeks that I have managed to get the 80mm frac out for a little play, but I haven't had the 8SE out since April!

It's not been a great season, but I'm going to set myself a couple of goals to achieve over the next couple of months whilst we have lighter evenings, such as trying to capture Saturn and I also want to try for the double-double Epsilon Lyrae with either my DSLR or the Atik if I get it set up. I'd also like to have a proper bash at M13 :)

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Think it might have, it's just too easy to get it out and use, I know it should cool down but it's just great to get some observing in. Think I have done. Ore observing in the last few days than I have since the start of the year. They say the best scope is the one you use the most so maybe I have found it! ;)

Spent a little time on Jupiter, and just under half phase Venus. Then watched a great ISS pass, tracking it most of the way!

Put it all away now, optics look a little better but need to do a proper star test. I think the mirrors might need recoating as there seems to be a reddish tinge to the views, but I might be mistaken! There is a small mark on there also, a possible small chip less than a mm but there none the less, so not sure to get it re-figured or not. But those are jobs for later on. I'm in no hurry.

thats why i love my dob - plus being the collapsable dob it takes up so little space.

Dont worry about cool down time, just look at low power stuff for the first half an hour where tube currents arent an issue - and once its cooled then go on to planetary viewing.

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thats why i love my dob - plus being the collapsable dob it takes up so little space.

Dont worry about cool down time, just look at low power stuff for the first half an hour where tube currents arent an issue - and once its cooled then go on to planetary viewing.

I do that all the time Nick. It's just not worth missing things just because ur scopes not cooled. You can always go back to things when it has.

I think my scope could have spiders in it. it's been a long time since I had it out


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I do that all the time Nick. It's just not worth missing things just because ur scopes not cooled. You can always go back to things when it has.

I think my scope could have spiders in it. it's been a long time since I had it out


It should definitely have one if it's a newt!

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Nice bird reserve. You should take the kids for a walk along the cliffs to see the birds soupy. Make sure you take ur binoculars [emoji3]

As Vicky says at this time of year the puffins are nesting


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Seen the horizon before but looking forward to S@N

Didn't realise it was a repeat of an old programme. I saw Mission to Mars and thought it was a new one about the Mars One project. Never mind, I'll still keep it on as I haven't seen it before, although it seems funny talking about Curiosity being on it's way when it has been on Mars for nearly 3 years now.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to S@N - was so excited to hear that the Philae lander had woken up and sent a message - it was the highlight of my weekend lol.

I'm hoping to go to the Monica Grady talk at WYAS on 14th July, which should be a good evening :)

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Interesting though for a repeat.

News of little Philae will be very welcome and I'm looking forward to the update. Amazing what they can do now.

Will be good to get out and look at the stars again I'm all rusty.

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