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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Dob sounds nice Soupy and well done with the photos Vicky they look good

Thanks Damian. It was nice to have an unexpected hour's viewing with a bit of imaging.

I've put next Saturday in my diary, and we'll hope for clear skies. If we have a clear evening in the week, and if there is anyone not on holiday or working lol, we'll have to arrange a meet up before we lose the opportunity.

Hope anyone heading off for the week has a fab time :)

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Thanks Damian. It was nice to have an unexpected hour's viewing with a bit of imaging.

I've put next Saturday in my diary, and we'll hope for clear skies. If we have a clear evening in the week, and if there is anyone not on holiday or working lol, we'll have to arrange a meet up before we lose the opportunity.

Hope anyone heading off for the week has a fab time :)

Already am Vicky we have had 2 displays from the red arrows this afternoon. Apparently the land at the airport just over from us to refuel when there in the area. The sun is shining and the cider is flowing happy days [emoji2][emoji2][emoji2][emoji2]


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Might be better doing a bit of back yard viewing then Soupy, at least you can have a pre-holiday beverage or two ;)

That sounds so tempting... I know the new dob sets up in literally 1 minute, but don't fancy lifting it down after a few bevvies... It is quite heavy ;)

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Clear here in North Wales but rains supposed to be moving in hope to show the wife Saturn later fingers crossed. Moon looks good at the moment even though it's not dark[emoji278]


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Hope you chaps are managing to get some good viewing in that big dob of yours Soupy. The moon pic looked great, even done as a-focal. I've just been out with the DSLR and managed the Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Castor & Pollux. The Moon is over-exposed, but I'm not one for messing about in PS :)


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Nice Paul lovely. I have shown my wife Saturn and she loves it Jupiter looking good and so is the moon. There was another meridian flare just before 11:00pm not as bright as the other nights just about in the same place. M13 looking nice too but high cloud moving in


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Just finished a couple of hours viewing with Soupy with his new dob

We managed quite a few targets lovejoy M13 M53 M92 Saturn Jupiter Venus and the moon to name but a few

Good spur of the moment night and really pleasant temperature to observe in

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Just finished a rather enjoyable night with Damian putting new scope through its paces. It def needs a new finder, good job I have a spare and good job Damian knows his way around the sky!

Tried for some easy first targets, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and the Moon, must admit the Moon looks amazing with more detail than I have seen before, and Venus in half phase.

Followed then by a trawl around for some familiar DSO's.

M13, M92, M57, M53, M3 and one Galaxy I forget which one, Damian can you enlighten me please.

Managed to find a very faint fuzzy comet Lovejoy, but failed to see some more prominent objects due to nasty Finder and high cloud.

However a very productive, enjoyable night!

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