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Orion Returns


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I thought I'd have a wee look out tonight with binoculars. 

I was pleasantly surprised to see Orion in all it's glory dominating the southern sky... always gives me a good feeling, the first glimpse of Orion. Heralding the approach of dark skies.

Jupiter was brilliant too, lurking in Gemini... even my tiny old, Soviet made binoculars revealed 2 of it's moons. Saw a couple of bright meteors, and could faintly make out NGC 1746 with the naked eye, despite the best efforts of street lighting. 

All in all a good night, until my neck gave out... I'll have to dust off the old refractor tomorrow, spend some time observing Jupiter properly.

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It was indeed clear, you need to savour nightts like that becuase they dont come around often (ie: prefect sky, no moon).

Just a shame is started so late - it was well past 11 by the time everything was ready and guiding. Its rather annoying to have the rest of the sky clear, apart from Polaris (without which, im stuffed!).

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I went out at about 3:30 am last night... so Orion was well placed. There was some cloud in the north.  Briefly went out again at about 5 (I'm up all night) to dispose of an uncomfortably large spider.

There's patchy cloud outside right now, it'll almost certainly change for better or worse by midnight. 

Looking forward to a good view of M42... seems like an age since I last saw it, but it was just a few months ago.

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Well call me lazy if you will but those times in the morning do not exist for me, if it ain't up before midnight it ain't featuring in my scope.

Go to bed early , set the alarm for 2am and treat your self to better views as the atmosphere becomes more stable ;)

Or if it's cloudy get back into bed , every ones a winner :)

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