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The Dobsonian Conversion

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Thought I'd share my early observing experiences, in case it's of any help to other beginners...

A few months ago I got a Celestron 130 SLT. It was just to dip my toe into astronomy and see how I got on. Well, I was awestruck. So excited even by the sheer number of stars that appeared in the eyepiece, never mind the first time I saw the moon and then - blimmin' 'eck! - spotted Andromeda.

What frustrated me, though, was that GoTo - as I've since read on SGL somewhere - should be renamed GoNear. I also hate the interminable waiting for the motor to swing the tube around. Anyway, it's not for me. I was quickly yearning for the free movement of a Dobsonian mount.

The opportunity arose to grab a Meade Lightbridge and, after endless indecision about which size to go for, I finally went 12". Last night it got its first proper outing.


I can't believe how much more engaging it feels to me to be able to nudge it around by hand or quickly swing it to the objects I can now locate by memory. I spent most of the time on the Dumbbell and Ring Nebulae (whenever I got a break in the darn clouds) and I loved every moment.

I'm not suggesting that everyone should start with a massive, heavy Dob, but I wish I'd at least opted for a medium Dob at first and had known what I could achieve with Stellarium. For me, GoTo is something I think I'll only consider again if I decide to invest in an astroimaging outfit. 

And I know a few people moan about the mods needed to get the Lightbridges up to scratch, but I like the odd DIY challenge. While the skies have been cloudy, I've been adding uprated primary mirror springs, secondary mirror adjustment knobs, a light shroud and a RA finder. I made a control knob from an old ball-and-socket tripod head. Still trying to figure out a neat counterweighting method, so if anyone's got any suggestions...

Anyway, I'm enjoying myself. Hope you all are, too.

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I use a soft back support wrap around thingy. Luckily there is a pouch here which I filled with 1.7 kilo of lead weights. This wraps around the primary unit and replaces the silly supplied brake. If you are going to use magnetic weights , note that a plastic sheet should cover the paintwork or it'll strip.

I have seen a weight bar with sliding weight and a magnetic knife holder with weights used.

I also put 3 door stops in place of the locking bolts so that the ota can stand alone when moving.

For the obvious targets it's quicker than the GOTO and lovely to use,


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