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The Perfect Jupiter Eyepiece.??


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My answer would be this, a little out of your budget though, but it does qualify as one eyepiece ;)


See, I do like an 8-24mm zoom. Pantax & TeleVue i've seen but not heard of Leica? One piece for 90% of observing. ..

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Explore Scientific's 82 degree eyepiece series.

Looking now... Ooh! Suits you sir, ooh!

Nice, Oh Hello. Someone in Birmingham is selling an 18mm on ebay for £130! Should I snatch his hand off or wait for 12-14mm.

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Which Plossls were you using Michael? Whilst I generally agree with you, the TV's do seem to be pretty sharp, and I like the performance in the mak, having also tried nags/ethos etc. Nice and lightweight too. Then I suppose it is f20 vs f10 so even less demanding.



PS: I like, you like this x.

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Ooh, I love juicy reading, thank you Naemeth.

No problem, this eyepiece keeps going on my wish list and coming off it. It's a lot of money to spend on one eyepiece, especially when I know I wouldn't have it to replace any of my current ones, just to compliment them.

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Which Plossls were you using Michael? Whilst I generally agree with you, the TV's do seem to be pretty sharp, and I like the performance in the mak, having also tried nags/ethos etc. Nice and lightweight too. Then I suppose it is f20 vs f10 so even less demanding.



I did not have TVs, I had Vixen-made Celestron Plössls. Pretty good sharpness, but the 10 mm had rotten eye relief
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Thanks Guys,

This is Exactly what I needed to know. All your advice has rang a bell from other read up's.

You see, I was simulating the eyepiece view using all my info in Stellerium. But of coarse, a nice big Jupiter in the field does not reflect the blur from too much mag in reality, including viewing conditions.

The plan is I stay up until 6am to catch Jupiter next week and I can actually see what my S4000 9.7mm & 15mm eyepiece compare.

Does anyone know where I can see examples of a 10-13mm view through a 12" SCT? Anything online or in a gallery here?

Thanks for the help, you stopped me running blind when I should take a wise stroll x.


to get a 10mm view, use your 9.7? to get a 13mm view, imagine it a bit bigger than your 15mm? cheaper than splashing out

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to get a 10mm view, use your 9.7? to get a 13mm view, imagine it a bit bigger than your 15mm? cheaper than splashing out

Well I have just come back in from a cheeky couple of hours of clear sky.

Was it worth setting up in the dark for 1 hour viewing? Yes.

I saw Andromeda for the first time and anything less than my 26mm would be lost. Galaxy virgin - so it was nice to see it.

I could still see a lot, a nice disk but no visable edges. Then a few clusters around Azimuth.

Starting to love Globular clusters. Then for the sake of it, Neptune. Small blue disk in 26mm and a dim blur at 9.7mm. Wasn't expecting anything good as it was low with some cloud. But again a first.

Bear in mind this is my 2nd use, I can appreciate how a high contrast wide will be great for DSO now. And I definitely need to back down to 12-14mm for Jupiter.

Quality not quantity, just as your advice, cheers,


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Ooh, I love juicy reading, thank you Naemeth.

If anything, this confirms I want a PentaxXW 10 or 12. With the crisp contrast, I like the sound of it and it won't break the bank. £255 new is the cheapest. Hmm.

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If anything, this confirms I want a PentaxXW 10 or 12. With the crisp contrast, I like the sound of it and it won't break the bank. £255 new is the cheapest. Hmm.

You could also get a 10mm Delos for the same price (£250 new), the performance is said to be close between them both.

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In short you are aiming too high with the power. You flagged up some very nice eyepieces in your list but all of them are too short. 

Jupiter I find is best around X180-X200 but no more really. Saturn seems to take a bit more, maybe up to X250.  Though I have a few Ethos eyepieces I do not tend to use them with the LX, why, I don't know, there must be a reason.

I would go for, and they may take some siffing out on the S/H market, Radians. The 14mm is very good indeed as is the 10mm but that is a little too high as well. I can only once remember using an 8mm eyepiece in the scope after I stopped being foolish, that was to see the star in the centre of the ring nebular, which took weeks of observations but I did it in the end.

The Meade SWA range are very good on this scope and the 16mm is about perfect for Jupiter, these can also be bought under the name of Maxvision, there are many threads on site.

So for me stick to say 18mm -12mm eyepieces for these targets. If you find a pot of gold at th e end of the garden next time it rains, then the Delos line will do a second to none job.


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To add to what I said earlier, for my scope I use a 10mm Vixen NLV. A 10mm gives me x235 and I find that just sits right for Jupiter. I also have a 10mm Radian which is just as good. If a 10mm one was available at the time I bought those, I would have got an Ortho instead.

I have a range of 'planetary' eyepieces which give me x181, x196, x235, x261, x294, x336 and x392. Out of those x235 gets used the most. x392 I last used on the moon in perfect seeing conditions over 18 months ago...

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Jupiter looks great with my 12mm Delos (195 x Mag) the clarity starts to suffer a tad with the 10mm Delos (235 x mag), the 14mm Delos (167 x Mag) also looks great but the planet looks a tad small :laugh:  Hope this helps

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Jupiter looks great with my 12mm Delos (195 x Mag) the clarity starts to suffer a tad with the 10mm Delos (235 x mag), the 14mm Delos (167 x Mag) also looks great but the planet looks a tad small :laugh:  Hope this helps

Maybe 10mm is a bit much, if it is too much on a 9" then my 12" will be too much. Seems the general consensus is 12mm.

I am bidding on A TeleVue 11mm Plossl, just to get an idea.

But my target range is 12-14mm after all the wisdom here.

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Again, thanks for all your comments and suggestions. They have made a world of difference to my perceptions and realistic expectations.

Another quick question.

My bast mate lent me his cheap Celestron eyepiece set when I bought my Meade as I had no eyepieces at the time. (They came with the Nexstar).

He has just finished his degree so I want to reward him by buying him a decent eyepiece when I return his next week.

What can I get around £30ish second hand that would be a decent eyepiece for a 5" Nexstar.

He only has a decent 7mm so I was thinking of getting a nice 22-26mm. Any thoughts?

He is a great friend so I would like something good for his kindness.

Not breaking the bank with this request, just doing a mate a favour.

Thanks Guys, as ever, you are stars x.

Scott. :smiley:

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Scott,   you would be better off starting another thread with that question as many that could answer it may not read through this thread to find this question.

I alas don't know what you can get for 30 quid but BST's are highly thought of on site but I don't know where you get them new, they are about 50 quid, I think.  Secondhand you should be looking at Astro Buy and Sell as you cannot use the classified on site yet, you need 250 posts. 


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In the name of poetic justice you should get him a beautiful Meade 5000 eyepiece, whichever is in your budget.


- Nate

Birmingham, AL

If I was spending £130 it would be for me. £30 is my budget for him x. So no Meade 5000 i'm affraid.

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Nothing at all wrong with the Meade 4000 series either.

- Nate

Birmingham, AL

True. I have aquired the 9.7 15 26 & 32mm off ebay for starters. Also bidding on TeleVue 11 & 20mm Plossl. All about £18-28 each so far. Decent starter kit I may donate a piece to him instead. PS: I thought you were in Birmingham, England... Doh! x

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