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Zoom or 2 eyepieces


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I've got a budget of £200 max to plug the gaps in my eyepiece collection

I need one between the Hyperion 8mm and the Panaorma 15mm, as well as one between the 15mm and ES 24mm.

Two things come to mind:

1- Baader ClickStop Zoom


2- 2x Hyperion eyepieces, mostly 10mm and 21mm, or 13mm and 17mm....

Any suggestions??

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I had most of the Hyperions and a MkII zoom. The fixed focal lengths definitely edged the zoom in the quality of the view. So for me it depends what's more important to you: the convenience of a zoom (very nice), or the best viewing quality (very nice)?

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I wish I hadn't sold it! :eek:  I think even if you end up with fixed focal length EP's that double up with the zoom, if you're addicted to the hobby, a zoom may come in handy such as when you are travelling light. I now do solar observing during lunch and I'd love that zoom again! I'm also thinking that when you are out with your portable setup, it's not always about the very best views, it's nice to have a relaxed session, and a zoom fits the bill nicely. I'm tempted by the Vixen LV zoom, as I think that is more compact than the Hyperion?

In an ideal world, I'd rather have both convenience and best quality in one eyepiece. :) But that obviously doesn't exist.

How do you rate the zoom?

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The Celestron Zoom I had a go with was very impressive 8-24mm (it was around £200 when I last looked)

I had the cheaper version about £100 and that was very good also. ( and was much clearer than the Hyperon equivalent when tested at the local dark site)

The FOV was the only downside. However, I do not see this as over important if you are zooming in on something :smiley:

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My opinion is that the Chinese clone (WO, Orion etc) zoom (7,5-22,5  type) is better  than Baader's model.....I used to own both, but

i sold them, because i think that it is better to own 2-3 good eyepieces (even Plossls), than to have a good zoom eyepiece.

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Again, overpriced for what it is..you can get an apo refractor for this kind of money which will give you magnificent views with eyepieces at a fraction of the price.

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I think overpriced is a term which reflects a personal decision isn't it ?

Some people might think that a Takahashi 4" apochromat refractor is "overpriced" at around £2.5K while others will feel that it's a reasonable price to pay for that level of quality. 

If that zoom can replace 3-4 eyepieces each of which are £300 apiece then it is decent value if you think of it that way.

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