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314L query


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Let's look at it the other way round, by showing good 314L images!



It's a great camera but because it is also a relatively inexpensive one (I stress relatively!) it tends to attract beginners who may not yet be highly skilled and it will tend to find itself working in budget instruments, often refractors, which cannot compete with high end apos on controlling star size. In the link you see an expert imager using high end optics with stunning results.


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I have seen loads of 314L images, but i always seem to feel that the starts have a tendency to look a little bloated.

Any thoughts on this?

Well, I have 3 of them at the moment & they are joyous to use. To follow on from Olly, surely matching well corrected optics to resolution / arc secs per pixel is the key here. As I'm finding out trying to choose scopes for my triple shooter project. There's a lot more to it than just bolting a CCD to a scope or three!

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Ah a very nice example where they are under control.

Id rather not link out images that others have taken, as that would not be fair.

You could always ask the poster first if they mind if you use their image as an example. There's no reason it has to be a negative experience for anyone.

I've felt that the stars in some of my recent 127 Mak DSO images were quite bloated, but I'm also coming to the conclusion that it is the optics that are the cause. Particularly as I found out a few nights ago that the collimation looks really unpleasant as stars move further off-axis.


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