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BST eyepieces bon e bay

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Are the BST eyepieces that are branded skyguider on eBay the real deal? When I click on to description it says they are from skys the limit and therefore think they are ok but am just checking before buying?


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Got my set from the Skies the Limit ebay shop. They are very much the real deal :) Apart from the lettering on the side they are exactly the same.

I have the 5mm "Starguider" branded one where the rest are Explorers. I know it shouldn't but that really annoys me. Might have to put an ad on abs to get a 5mm explorer :rolleyes:

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They came out as BST Explorers some time ago, 2 years back and more that was their name. Then there was some legal issues about using the name "Explorer" and so the name was changed to "Skyguider". Barsta who seem to make them simply refer to them as ED II eyepieces.

Exactly what the clash of names was I have no idea as I am not aware of anything that could be confused with the name "BST Explorer", maybe another part of the world, oddly many people still refer to them as BST Explorers. I think even Sky's the Limit still do. If you were in the US they are the Astro-Tech Paradigms. They are sold under at least 2 other names here in the UK but can be double the cost as that from StL.

Overall a very good eyepiece, whoever designed them got it right and Barsta seem to turn them out with a fairly consistant level of QA.

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Skies the limit is by far the best online retailer i have ever used for anything period. I have bought the 8mm and 18mm from Alan at skies the limit as well as a t-ring and a camera/eyepiece adapter for a digital camera. Fantasic Service and comms, and he wont be beaten on price. Any problems then drop him a email. He has been known for his try before you buy in some instances. He will in my experience bend over backwards to ensure you get the correct equipment for your needs, and has a first class free returns policy. He in my opinion is exactly how all online retailers should be like. I always check with alan before i make any astro purchase to see if he can provide the required equipment and beat the competition.

Reviews by myself and others can be found here:


Good luck and clear skies

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I collect rainwater to do water changes in my tropical fish tank i had the misfortune to be out one night and my 18mm BST rolled off the table after i bumped into it and fell in bucket. I got it out dried it and tried cleaning it with advice off here it didnt quite perform right i give Alan a ring told him what happened he said post to him he would strip it down clean it and post it back now thats customer service for you. The 18mm by the way is just as good as ever now.

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They also go here


AFAIK the same eyepieces under the Olivon brand, but a whole lot more expensive. They certainly look similar from the outside anyway.

SCS sell them under as Orion Epic at £99 + £4p&p. So £103 or £47 from StL.

TS have them under their brand as well, one Dutch retailer actually sells them as Astro-Tech Paradigms.

As a good budget upgrade to the supplied eyepieces they seem to be the eyepiece of choice and recommendation.

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SCS sell them under as Orion Epic at £99 + £4p&p. So £103 or £47 from StL.

TS have them under their brand as well, one Dutch retailer actually sells them as Astro-Tech Paradigms.

As a good budget upgrade to the supplied eyepieces they seem to be the eyepiece of choice and recommendation.

I love mine, but to be honest that sort of price 49 as they are currently sounds about right to me. I mean for a 80 to 100 quid they are rather expensive I would think, compared to what is out there by the look of it with a larger FOV nowadays. Not that the larger FOV means it translates to quality views. I have not experienced others, but anyway, but those big sky-watcher at 70 degrees if the are going to be good, or the much touted http://www.explorescientific.de/maxvision-m-354.html?language=gb. eyepieces lately to name a view. I wonder what others think that have actually compared them side by side ?

The Vixen NPL range after all is similar in quality to he BST ( less eye relief though but perhaps sharper ), as are some Celestron eyepieces, they are all in a similar price range £ 35 - 70. So while Alan is doing a nice competitive deal I'd say, the others are perhaps over-charging somewhat it seems to me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I brought the BST 25mm, 18mm, 8mm, eye pieces from alan at sky's the limit,  I am so pleased with them i am about to order the 12mm & 5mm, to complete my set of eyepieces for my 10" Dob.  Alan is very helpful and i recommend him to answer any questions you may have.  :smiley:

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