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I have made 3 new converts to astronomy.


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My uncle,his wife and daughter are over from England for a family holiday. They have split their time between the west of Ireland (where my grandfather was born) and Dublin (where me and mum live).

They showed up at my place on sunday night (they did ring 3 hrs ahead to see if it was ok to stay). The first thing they all noticed in my house was my newest scope "Mick"..........................Celestron 8SE.

They were gob-smacked (speechless) about what it is,how much it cost and what it can do. They all agreed that they simply had to have a look through it.

My uncle keeps saying that as long as he can remember, he has always wanted a telescope but never got around to getting on.

The weather has been pretty cloudy at night since they arrived, but tuesday night after a great meal in a great traditional Irish pub with music etc we got back to mine and the Moon was was putting on its best face, so i got my uncle to lug the scope out to the garden and zero'd in on the Moon. The reactions and comments from all were very pleasing.

Tonight (wed) was cloudy, so i hooked the laptop up to the tv and gave them a guided tour of some of the wonders of the universe(as seen through telescopes and cameras). I showed them images of all the planets,nebs,galaxies etc. I told them what they were looking at,distances,sizes etc.

They were completely blown away with what us astronomers can see and photograph from here on Earth.

My uncle has now decided that he is finally going to buy a scope for the family. I'll chat with him more about what he wants to see (he wants to see a bit of everything), and advise him. I cant see him getting to grips with a Go-To scope or even an EQ, so i am most likely going to point him in the direction of a Dob...............200P or 250 (or bigger). He is a big lad (6'6"), and budget is not an issue.

I dont preach astronomy to people,but when people i know have even a passing interest in it...................i will do my best to encourage them and nurture them.

Thinking about it,he (my uncle) is used to technology..............so i think he could actually get to grips with this:


He WAS im pressed with the whole Go-To system.

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Great news Paul, keep us all posted on how he gets on. Better still get your family to tell us themselves.

Given his job,i dont think he'd have much if any time to spend on the forum. I cant see him buying the scope this side of christmas as he is in the planning stages with an architect to have a new extension and conservatory built onto the back of the house.

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P.s.~~~when my uncle does decide to buy, i'll be sending him to FLO for sure.

FYI..........he lives in Crawley Downs,west sussex. Other then giving you his name and bank account number thats about all i can tell you. Oh yeah he dives a 2 yr old Jag (something or other) and has a Porsche and a Landrover parked on his drive.

He brought the Jag across on the ferry and drove us all around in it for the week. Talk about travelling in luxury!!!!!!!.

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