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Does anybody know where I can get cheap counterweights?

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That sure is a lot of weight young Imad - why do you need so much ?

I'm getting a giro mount and will need at least 7kg to balance my 6" refractor. I already have 3 5Kg units but they're permanently attached to the NEQ6 with the C11 mounted on it...a lot of hassle to swap around and all this rubbish..lazy...I know

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I'm getting a giro mount and will need at least 7kg to balance my 6" refractor. I already have 3 5Kg units but they're permanently attached to the NEQ6 with the C11 mounted on it...a lot of hassle to swap around and all this rubbish..lazy...I know

I don't blame you not swapping them all the time, There is also the added risk of breaking something :smiley:

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I don't blame you not swapping them all the time, There is also the added risk of breaking something :smiley:

True - few months back I loosened the counter weights after finishing my session and stupidly forgot to screw in the bolt (or whatever you call it) on the front of the counterweight shaft. Result ... 5Kg fell on my knee - I wanted to scream in the middle of the night, but managed to withhold it. A couple of days looking like a limping duck then all got better.

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Sometimes pondered "Diving Weights"... Had I a Dobsonian, maybe useful? Cool looking, but not much cheaper than Astro Weights? I often used to wonder about that "Diving Shop" sited right in the middest of middle England where I once lived... :p

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Get some cheap weightlifting weights. Sandwich these between two normal counterweights. job jobbed.

I noticed that Tescos had some very cheap weights in store the other day, which looked like they had suitable sized holes in the middle (at least for an HEQ5).


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Does seem rather incredible what some manufacturers are charging for counterweights - I nearly choked reading a recent post mentioning chromed weights for an AP mount :) It would be quite easy to sandcast some in lead (use a real counterweight for the pattern) - but sourcing scrap lead isn't that easy nowadays, and you would probably want to encapsulate this. When diving I used to use lead shot belts rather than traditional weight belts as these were more comfy/better distributed - but just checked on google and 5kg of lead shot is going to cost £ 35-40 (hell of a markup given a scrap value of 80p/kg)

Worth posting a wanted add in the classifieds/ABS. Otherwise I'm sure the genuine SW weights are around £ 40 :(

I know that AE make the counterweight extension bars - do they offer their own weights (SS would be great)?

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Sometimes pondered "Diving Weights"... Had I a Dobsonian, maybe useful? Cool looking, but not much cheaper than Astro Weights? I often used to wonder about that "Diving Shop" sited right in the middest of middle England where I once lived... :p

There's a diving centre at Stoney Cove in Leicestershire, about halfway between Coventry and Leicester I guess. Probably as far away from the sea as you can get in the UK :)

Not sure diving weights would be useful though. In the main they're meant to be threaded onto a belt. Lead isn't that hard to melt down into whatever shape you like, mind...


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Using weightlifting gear is a cheap option. As already said just sandwich between existing counterweights, but you do need at least one counterweight to set the point on the counterweight shaft. Bit of rubber sheet cut to size helps stop them moving about as the one inch hole is too big.

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I priced up some cut to length steel billets for making into 5kg weights and the raw material was more than the SW finished items.

In the end I bought a set of 5kg weight lifting weights from Argos, but the hole is 1" and needs to be 18mm dia (why such a silly size SW), I found that a locknut off PVC conduit fitting could be pressed into the 1" hole and a new hole drill to suit the SW weight bar.

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