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It's Friday, it's five to five, it's [a] cracker Sun in Ha Jack!


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As the title suggests a late afternoon sun for me today. We were out tonight and with the promise of sun tomorrow thought I would get this stacked and posted tonight. Looks like there is something new coming round? There is a small stitching error in the 12 o'clock position and a little loss of sharpness, probably due to the haze this afternoon.

As always, Lunt 60, DS, 1.5x barlow, DMK41, 12 panes stitched in Autostitch and post processing in Paint.net.




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Absolutely superb as usual, pity about the north though but at least you got a shot. I have been waiting for 4 weekends now to test mine but the Sun refuses to come out at weekends any more.

You are showing your age though with that title, I bet all the youngsters don't have a clue what you are talking about :lol:


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You are showing your age though with that title, I bet all the youngsters don't have a clue what you are talking about :lol:

I haven't a clue what you're talking about :D

Not much in the way of sunshine here either, Alexandra :( It's been very patchy of late. Quite frustrating...


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Thanks guys,

I was going to have TGI Friday, but that is blatant advertising and TFI Friday is just plain rude, so settled on the Crackerjack tag. Apparently it ran from 1955 until 1984, I wasn't born when it was first on and in higher education when it was finishing. For all you who are lucky enough to be under the age of 30 look up Crackerjack on Wikipedia.

I might go back and look at the 'soft' panes to see if they will reprocess now that it is 100% cloud here. Looking very good for tomorrow here, but I am sailing.

Alexandra, looks like it might clear over your way today and again tomorrow, tell hubby he can't cut the grass and put your SF100 on standby.


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Gosh! did it really end in 1984! I thought it was on all through childhood. James, you missed out!

Still thick cloud here, but done some gardening instead and I'm off to have my hair done, anything to cheer me up.


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James, you missed out!

Not really :D If you remember it then I'd hazard a guess that our ages aren't too far apart :) I remember it being presented by Ed Stewpot, with Peter Glaze and Don Maclean. And Crackerjack pencil and pen sets. Oh, and that game where the kids had to answer questions and if they got the right answer they got a prize, as long as they could carry them all. I seem to recall cabbages being involved somehow, but I'm not sure if that was for wrong answers or dropping things. I have a feeling that Crackerjack might have the ignominy of foisting the Krankies and Bernie Clifton on an unsuspecting and undeserving world too, but if it finished in 1984 that would have been when I was doing my A-levels and was therefore dedicating far more of my time and interest to cars, girls and computers :)


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I hope you have taken a collection of astro mags to read at the hairdressers, looking at large solar scopes and holidays in sunnier climates?

Some blue coming through here now, the grass is cut, just the dog to walk then I could be on for an hour or so?


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Ooooh, now look what you've done. Ed Stewart used to host a radio programme on Saturday mornings, didn't he? Junior's Choice, perhaps? Who remembers Sparky's Magic Piano?

(Apologies for getting a bit off-topic :)


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Thanks guy,

Much as I would like to remermis about kids light entertainment programmes from the BBC, it back to topic. No sun for me today so I decided to look at the panes and found the last two lacking in detail. I upped the sharpening before stitching of these two panels and re-processed the full disc. It has improved it a little, but I had to compensate by upping the overall sharpening so it might be a little over sharp for some people's taste.



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Much better north pole :)

I only remember Stu Francis and The Krankies and the 'crush a grape' phrase. I must have been 11 when it finished :( and yes, the big birthday is up in two weeks hence the hair doo to cover the grey and cover up my misery :(

The sun actually came out whilst up there just to rub it in and went in when I got back, typical! well, let's hope and pray for a miracle tomorrow, I got to compete with an image like this you know!


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I think you might have got to the point of sharpening the noise there, Robin. It looks a little harsh to my (largely untrained, I admit) eye, though it's a pretty close call.

The "big" birthday is only an issue if you make it one, Alexandra :) In my head I'm still in my late twenties :D


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