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William Optics red dot finder help

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I brought a WO red dot finder but the red dot/cross hairs which are illuminated onto the screen are blurred so much that you can't see what they are. I'm wondering how clear it is supposed to be or if anyone else has had a similar problem? Or if I'm doing a stupid.



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You can turn the brightness down so it's not so blurred. During daylight you have to turn it up quite high to see it - but in the dark it's visible on a really low setting that can't be seen during the day - so you can't judge how to set it till nightfall. :)

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"even on the lowest setting it is no good"

So long as you tried that in the pitch dark then you may be correct. If it's blurred by night then have a word with the supplier about it - hopefully they'll exchange it for you - most will. :)

(I have the multi reticule one and it's really very good.)

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This may be stating the blindingly obvious.... :-), but better to rule it out! Do you wear glasses? The red dot/cross is projected at infinity so if you are short sighted it will be blurred!

I often find myself looking over the top of, rather than through my glasses and wondering why it is blurred.

As I said, might seem obvious but thought I'd mention it.


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Bi-focals and Vari-focals I have heard of, tri-focals are completely new to me and must be a severe challenge!

I am steadfastly resisting bi or Vari focals, even though I desperately need them! :-(


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Tri-focals is just the technical name for spectacles with three lenses. Normally they would have a clear divide between the different lenses. Varifocals are the same ( 3 lenses ) but you cannot see the divide between the different optics. They have exactly the same effect though and make looking through a scope very difficult.

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Tell me to shut up if I am being rude - but are you looking through it the right way around? The screen should be furthest from your eye. If you do it the other way around it looks small and very blurred.

If the foot was put on the wrong way around... The screw should be on the left looking up along the OTA.

Not as unlikely as it sounds. A US SWAT Team member got the p*ss taken out of him right royally when he was pictured in a live stand-off with his sight on the wrong way around. And SWAT Team sights are the same as Red Dot Finders!



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Thanks very much for all the advice, not at all rude Ian. I've tried all the suggestions and don't wear glasses so it's a mystery. If I look at the bit where the light comes from it looks good, but the reflection in the coated lens bit looks like loads of the cross hairs all overlaying each other on close inspection.

Anyway, I emailed the supplier and they offered to send me another one to compare and then send the faulty one back if it turns out to be.

Thanks again for the help

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