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Pentax 8.5mm XF in transit


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Hello all

Just heard that this EP is in transit from US. Fingers crossed that customs are out enjoying the sun and feeling goodwill to all men! I like my BSTs and my barlowed 14mm ES but am hoping the Pentax gives me more detail on planets. Hopefully will get a few nights on Saturn before it leaves us. And then Jupiter later in year. For anyone interested I will give my modest, somewhat inexperienced review on this affordable mid range planetary as soon as opportunity presents itself. Of course, I'm not doing it for me, just for those, like me who can't go down the TV route:)


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Cheers all

My last US purchase got nabbed by those evil folk in customs but other than that my entire EP collection was VAT free, so to speak!

Still, shouldn't complain really, I am a law abiding citizen usually. Mind you, I feel I pay my fair share through PAYE. Looking forward to the Pentax nevertheless. :)


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I am sure I speak for all Televue owner, we are interested in Pentax products and others too, good luck with the eyepiece and weather.

As for the customs officers I would have thought they had better things to do. Lets face it is it is nice to get away with things especially tax, but if it should be paid you would have thought they would have developed a system that collects it for them, maybe the Post Office.


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Just picked it up from UPS, after coughing up another €55!

The box is like something from the 70's, but it feels nice and hefty and the eye lens is nice and big. Lashing rain after so many clear nights this week




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Very nice lens - like the aluminium barrels to. Would it not have been cheaper from FLO ?


Yes, as I got caught for tax etc, however most of my kit came from the US and I have rarely been nabbed!!did this time though.

The skies cleared and got the 10" Dob out. Compared the Pentax 8.5 with my 8 BST on Saturn

It's more meant for the 16" as with the 10" , it gives around x150 and didn't get much detail more than the BST. We'll see at a later date


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Congrats on getting the EP and your brief first light. I found that the XF8.5 did not so much show more detail than my Radian 8 but it had a bit more transmission, and was slightly more neutral. Much depends on seeing, of course.

I'd say you're right Michael. The seeing will dictate much. I am expecting to see some difference between it and the £40 BST I have already though. I'll reserve judgement until I can get out with good seeing


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