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Are there any registar users out there.

I,ve recently aquired this piece of software,becuse i,m running a Dual Scope and camera operation to image with.

The scopes are both the same,ED 80s,same focal length.The cameras,although both Starlight,one is an HX916,and the other a MX916.They have different FOV.

Initially when using Registar,i had no problem,the the seperate images seemed to alighn ok.

But now i,m getting hit and miss results,often seeing colour star overlap.Hence the stars appear Double.

Registar seems to do its stuff as normal,but now with mixed results.Dont know why i,m having this prob.Emailed Auriga,but have not had a reply as yet.

Thought i try here,to see where i,m going wrong.

Hope you can advise.


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That can happen when the software doesn't recognise stars in the image, perhaps because they are bloated.

Are you registering stretched images?

Don't forget to clear the old metrics data when trying a different setting.

I've had this happen too, but usually it will get it right in the end.

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Just a quick question pls?

Can registar stack and align subs, flats, darks and BIAS to give a finished frame for each colour (i.e. LRGBHA etc) ?

Can it then colour combine those master frames from each colour and align them, say LRBG , to give a "full colour" image ready for work in PI/PS ??? Or would one do the colour combining in PS/PI from the "master" frame for each of LRGB?

If all that were true why would one need DSS?

Can't quite get my head around where in the processing sequence Registar fits and what it is capable of.

Rgds, Steve

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Hi Steve.

I dont know enough about registar to answer your question.But what Registar is capable of doing is to alighn the seperate images of different camera,s and different fields of view.

Say you image the same target,using say a DSLR,to image a RGB target,and a mono cooled camera to image say H-Alpha.

You would use something like DSS to stack all the images you took with the DSLR,and you would also use DSS to stack the images from the cooled camera.

But when you open both sets of images the size and fields of view are totally different.

Now say you wanted to add the RGB image to the H-Alpha image,you would need software to alighn the stars and resize the image.Most commercial Software like Maxim,Astroart DSS,cant handle this,but Registar can,its a great piece of kit,but i am experiencing a hit and miss result.

I am proberbly doing something wrong.


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It must do what it does very well as I've seen quite a few posts by SGL members who speak favourably of the product.

It would be interesting to understand why it is rated so highly as there are significantly cheaper products (e.g. Nebulosity) that on the surface appear to provide similar functionality.

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Hi Mike.

From what i understand Nebulosity cant handle this type of alighnment.

This has been tried by a fellow SGL member.


Thanks for the reply Mick. Could you clarify what you mean by 'this type of alignment'? I've done a quick test using an image taken with my QHY8/AA8RC and one on the same night using my SXV H9/70ED refractor. The quality of the images wasn't great as I was just testing at the time and didn't have many subs. I needed to convert the grayscale image from the H9 to colour first using Neb, but then after that it did scale and align the images. Here's a very rough and ready result from a screenshot in CS3:


As I said the source data isn't great so not sure if the alignment is a good result or not, first time I've tried anything like this. Will have to try it again when I have some better images to use.

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Well Mike,it looks like you have just proved me wrong.

I had a set of images last month,from both my camera,s,and neither i or a fellow imager could get the 3 seperate images to alighn.(H-Alpha/Oxy111/&S11.On combiming the 3 images in Photo-shop,i was left with 3 seperate coloured stars for each star.Obviously,they were,nt alighned properly.

For some reason my Fits wont open in Nebulosity,so i,ve nor really played with it.

Your results certainly throw up question though.

Thanks for that mike.


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Registar only does one thing, align images, including a mishmash of formats.

It is good at it ,but I find not that intuitive to use.

There may other programs that can do this now, but I still use it from time to time and think it will be used a little more later this year as I now think I have a duel setup that will work.


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It's been around for a while & looks it but still very good at what it does. I tend to find if RegiStar can't do it then you've got a problem. However, since I've been using Pixinsight I use it a lot less. Now if I were starting again I'd try PI first. RegiStar does look expensive in comparison now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

About to buy PI myself. Very, very involved piece of software. Johnrc has been helping me use it to calibrate, integrate and stack. But its a huge piece of software alright. Just letting my bank balance recover after shelling out for a CCD before I buy it.

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