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White light Sun, 18th May


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An absolutely gorgeous day today pretty much all day, so I was out at the crack of 10am to get some subs for a solar image. Only just finished processing it though as there was no way I was going to sit inside at the pc when I could be outside sitting on the tractor :) I wasn't totally sure of the seeing as there was some haze to the north-east so I shot double the usual number of frames and picked the best 180 of 240 from PIPP to let Registax play with. I'm quite pleased with the result.


240 frames of 1/1000th @ ISO100, 450D & 127 Mak. Preprocessed using PIPP, 68 of 180 stacked in Registax v6.


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Very crisp shot there James .... :laugh:

Nothing from me I'm sad to say , completely clouded out all day , all the way from Newmarket to Leamington Spa . . . :p

Spent a great day wandering around the I.A.S. drooling over Solarscopes and the like . . . :grin:

Resisted the temptation to go down the Continuum route after some sound advice ( thankyou Starman) despite the discounts , was hoping to get to compare the view with one but weather prevented this . . . :mad:

Was very nice to meet up with Montana and her other half and DavidTheBearsFan .

Looking forward to getting back at it tomorrow.

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That is a stunning result James, great detail and lots of interesting features. We have had cloud all day here, though clear skies are predicted after midnight so the scope might get some time out after all.



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I had the scope out all day from 9.30 to 6pm but had to wait until 4pm to get a decent look, but even then views were short lived. No point trying to image as the clear patches were too short.

So I spent the day trying to tweak my pst mods. There were a couple of nice proms on the limbs in Ha but I couldn't get my big frac to co-operate so I didn't get any views of the spots.

Its nice to see someone got a result James. Good effort and hope you enjoyed riding the tractor.

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It was a real pleasure to spend the entire day outside in a t-shirt and shorts, it has to be said. Absolutely shattered now though. I've mowed about two acres of foot-high grass in our field and the orchard which sounds easy on a tractor cutting a three feet wide track each time, but mowing around loads of trees with no power steering and knobbly tractor tyres is quite physical work. I'd happily do it more in exchange for more days like today nevertheless.

I quite clearly have a "post sunny day glow" now. Sounds like the west country might have been the only part of the UK so lucky today. Makes a change from being the only part of the UK where it's bucketing down, I guess :)


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I have an early start tomorrow too. Sadly nothing to do with imaging. I am chauffeuring my daughter to two birthday parties. if the forecast were at all hopeful I'd stick the PST in the car but at the moment it doesn't look worth the bother.


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