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Saturn by webcam and Mak127


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Your English is very good, and your pictures are excellent! I'm hoping to do the same thing as soon as I can see Saturn through the clouds, and I'm inspired by your pictures as I have the same setup. Thanks for showing us your pictures.

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You, all, are very kind. Thanks!

Ok, let's say some details: I stacked the full HD clip in Registax6 (about 4000 frames kept) then the final edit was made in Adobe Lightroom.

The workflow for modifying my Lifecams is here. Not so good Google translate, but better than nothing... :grin:

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Great pictures!

What software did you capture the video footage with? How long was the video? How many frames per second did you film at? What size was the video file you put into registax?

Sorry for so many questions.


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No problem! SharpCap was the acquisition software. The camera works at 1080p and 30 fps. I took several clips 3-4 minutes long each. Kept for stacking about 70-80% of total frames. In Registax I processed the full HD clips.

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