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Glad you had your first light with them. If you wear glasses 16mm eye relief is borderline, in my opinion. Besides, some manufacturers are generous in their estimates. This is one reason I went for the 22T4. A lot more expensive, but very comfortable for me with my glasses.

I measured the ER with my tape and its bang on 16mm and this is my point, I cant really get my eye ball in close enough to take advantage of all the big FOV. I wind it out and of course this just makes it worse. I have tried without my glasses and I cannot see why it has all the FOV, you only need about 10mm at most, well my eyeball does.

I can get a great wide filed view without my specs but this gives me eyestrain/headache and the views suffer due to my astigmatism so it simply isn't the answer. The EP isn't as spectacle friendly as they might like to think. I may be newish to astronomy but i have worn my gigs for over 40 years and I know hat i am talking about. Also tried a old spare pair with a different shape/profile and these were as bad or even worse.

Looked at the Nagler 22mm also Michael, lovely looking piece of kit, bet views are awesome. Have you measured the actual ER and seen if it matches the quoted 19mm? be interesting to find out. Although even if it does, that is way over what i am prepared to pay.

I am off too see the optician Friday and then I am going to listen to what he has to say. Contact lens are an option I will consider but it depends on the actual cost. Otherwise this will have to go back i am afraid.

Ever embark on a journey and wish you hadnt bothered, that is where I am rapidly heading, god my head hurts.............


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I noticed on short eye relief eyepieces that my eye lashes were getting in the way. Bit of a pain.

I thoguht about it for a bit and then one morning when I was having a shave I used the beard trimmer to halve the length of my eye lashes on my observing eye. It's compeltely invisible to anyone looking at the face but it helped me get a mm or so closer without getting lashes in the way.

Extreme? Dunno, it works though.

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Wearing glasses is always going to more of a problem with eye-relief. Most of the 82 types i find are pretty similar, and most of the twist up lens types like yours and celestron meade are virtually useless as even without glasses if you raise them you begin to loose field of view.

I can't think of any option to long eye-relief other than the expensive T4 that Michael states. Any others? You could sacrifice the field a bit to SWA around 70 deg to get more comfortable viewing. At least you'll get some fine wide views with your 40mm. Hope you manage to find something more suitable Steve.


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I noticed on short eye relief eyepieces that my eye lashes were getting in the way. Bit of a pain.

I thoguht about it for a bit and then one morning when I was having a shave I used the beard trimmer to halve the length of my eye lashes on my observing eye. It's compeltely invisible to anyone looking at the face but it helped me get a mm or so closer without getting lashes in the way.

Extreme? Dunno, it works though.

Yeah i could always shave some of my face off to get it closer to the EP cup, extreme :p hehehe
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Wearing glasses is always going to more of a problem with eye-relief. Most of the 82 types i find are pretty similar, and most of the twist up lens types like yours and celestron meade are virtually useless as even without glasses if you raise them you begin to loose field of view.

This is exactly my point, I dont want to pay a load out for extra FOV that I cant use, even moving my head it was impossible to get the full FOV. I realise you cannot get the fulll FOV in an ultra wide or barely just and have to move a little to get it all but the point being in case thier is any misunderstanding is my specs were stopping me achieving even half what I should have been getting. (as advertised: The eye relief is comfortable and suitable for spectacle wearers.ent. This is the bit that kinda gets me, in my opinion it is misleading although i would like to hear from anyone with an ultrawide who wears spectacles who can tell me different.

I can't think of any option to long eye-relief other than the expensive T4 that Michael states. Any others? You could sacrifice the field a bit to SWA around 70 deg to get more comfortable viewing. At least you'll get some fine wide views with your 40mm. Hope you manage to find something more suitable Steve.


I will keep my eyes out for a 2nd hand 22T4 Nagler as there is no way I am shelling out for a new one. Even then i would have to try it out before i committed to buying.

But in the meantime I might just buy another Swan. They do an EP at 25mm with 72* FOV, less than i would be getting with the Panorama but what's the use in something if it doesn't perform as described. The Swan 40mm was great in my SCT last night, I didnt see any distortion at all although I will be honest in that I was kinda pre-occupied with the Panorama.

So time to draw a line under this and move forwards.

Cheers for the advice all, learnt a valuable lesson here and fortunately its only costing me the price of a returned package.


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hi mate

the 26mm Nagler I have states ER of 16mm. I am pretty sure you looked through this and found it ok? you'd be welcome to try it when we eventually meet up.

Need some clear skies and spare time shane but as soon as the former comes up, I will make sure the latter becomes available too :grin:
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Just be warned, if you look through Shane's 26 Nagler, there will be no going back!

Just a thought, this has 17mm eye relief and would be cheaper new than a used 22 t4 Nagler...


eye relief is marginal damo, thats the issue with the Panorama but thnaks for the pointer anyway


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