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Observing seat

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Looking for one as last time out my back was giving me gyp. I usually make do with garden furniture but as I intend getting out to a dark site soon, carting that lot around isn't really feasible, hehe.

Cant find the Lidl one at all but did find these two. This one is the cheapest http://www.amazon.co...a ironing chair But this one has the most adjustable seat,http://www.philipmorrisdirect.co.uk/leifheit-multi-seat-niveau-ironing-chair/product/?utm_source=GoogleBase&utm_medium=organic&gclid=CJCwhOfjxLYCFajLtAodkx8AdA so the latter although more expensive looks favourite.

Just wondered if anyone else has any other options or experience with either seat!


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I use the Mey Observing Stool. You simply can't get better. It should've had a green and black leather cover rather than white and black in my opinion, it's of that quality and provides that much comfort when observing. You can set it at exactly the right height, not set on a notch like so many adjustables.

Worth every single penny.

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I bought the one tha you sent a link to and whilst it was ideal for solving the back problems I experienced, I did find that I the thing is prone to "relaxing" slightly after a few seconds of sitting on. This resulted in the parts clanking and making a sound that runs the risk of annoying the neighbours and drawing the attention of passers by.

I fixed this with the insertion of a couple of bolts and a few cable ties. Problem solved :grin:

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I must admit all these ironing chairs look way to flimsy for me. I'm a heavy lump, so I use a drum throne. Fully adjustable and comfy as. ;)

Edit Yep! Just seen it only holds 100KG, that'd last about two minutes :D

hehe, I weigh in at a little over 70kg so it will be perfect for what i want. :laugh:

Edit, bought the one at 33 quid. Mrs can use it for the ironing too, win win situation I think, (well thats what I will tell her) :grin:


NB: look at two of the customer comments-

Service rating : Very pleased with continuous update on order status and on time delivery - a very pleasant and hassle free purchasing experience

Product : Actually using the ironing chair as a star gazing telescope seat - so far it has proved to be ideal and the good solid German engineering makes it very secure even at full height

Service rating : Good comminucation. The product was not in stock - I specifically wanted this model. Given the oppotunity to wait for delivery. Excellent service.

Product : The perfect astronomy observatory chair!

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If you observe on concrete a drumming stool can work as you can spin the top to get good fine adjustment of the height. nothing to lean on though. I really enjoy sitting on the Mey when it's slow to the floor. say 8- 12 inches off the ground. My legs are stretched out full length and I'm leaning back completely relaxed with the tube right under my eye. you simply couldnt get more comfortable. At zenith you have to straddle the scope and that's more of a faff. those annoying tension handles that stick out of the side of a skyliner really could do with some sort of customisation replacement.

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