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New laptop or Mac?


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I'm in the process of looking for a laptop. I would like to use it for my HEQ5 in GOTO mode using ASCOM, Stellarium etc. I may need it to guide the mount for imaging. (Although I'm considering buying one of the standalone guiders). I'm not sure if one laptop can do both jobs via separate ports?

I would also like to use it for processing images.

Not sure whether to go for a Windows based machine or Apple notebook. I'm a bit fed up with Windows with all the constant upgrading.

Can anyone see any problems choosing a Mac over a PC?



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the main issues come from software compatabilies. I prefer to use EQMOD with my HEQ5 and the mac doesn't support it, it can be difficult to find drivers for certain cameras. I use a mac and to get around this run it in boot camp.

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My house has only Macs, but when it comes to astro imaging I run XP on a partition on my Macbook, there just isn't the support there for astro use. I do process all my images on Mac though. I would stick to a cheap laptop if it is primarily for astro use, in fact I'm on the look out for one myself.

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Thanks for your suggestions. As I've spent some time getting the current laptop to talk to the mount, perhaps I'd best stick with what I know and go for the Windows solution.



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Being a fan of macs, I have to say currently windows makes it easier for controlling mounts.

EQMOD for windows is brilliant and although there is a mac version of a similar tool, I haven't yet tried it.

+1 I wouldn't dare buy a windows machine but unfortunately the software support is far better. I just use an old windows laptop for my imaging stuff and everything else on the mac.

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I own and love macs and would recommend one over windows anyday, BUT...I have done my research and using a windows netbook for all my astro needs (except processing) which shall be done on a mac :D

Just seems compatability is much better for windows, although there is software out there for astro mac but its few and far between.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, I have a MacBook Pro and am considering buying a cheap Windows laptop just for astro use. I'm struggling to find a good solution that I'm comfortable with on the mac unfortunately.

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As a long time mac convert, I use VM ware to do stacking and the mac for processing, but still use a cheap windows machine for image capture.

The only thing I can't seem to get running on VM ware is Registar, which has a mare with admin rights.

Typed by me on my fone, using fumms... Excuse eny speling errurs.

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