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Backpack portable 'scope

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I do a lot of travelling and would like something properly portable. Obviously I would not get the performance that I get with my 6SE, but that would be an acceptable compromise.

I have been looking at two posibilities, the Celestron Travel scope 70mm, 400mm/f5.7 or the Meade EXT80 with backpack which is 80mm 400mm/f5

Has anyone used these and what are their opinions?

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The ETX isn't exactly small, and I doubt if it an be accurately described as backpack portable - simply the mount isn't small, also it isn't as light as you may expect and it needs power.

The travel scope I have no idea of.

If budget was OK I would look into something like the WO Zenithstar 70/71, and put it on a reasonable camera tripod. There are alternatives to this but not sure what is available to Australia, but something like that. If TS ship out to you then look at their site.

The ED stuff is more cost but generally shorter tubes owing to the ED glass used. An achro would most likely give too much CA at the shorter lengths.

One possible thought, will say never seen one in real life so no idea of size+weight etc is the Heritage Virtuoso scopes, the Mak. Seem to stand on a flat surface and will track - means they again need a supply of batteries. Suspect they are too much in size however.

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Got to be the Startravel 80, mate. Goes on a camera tripod with whatever head you choose. Super versatile little scope. Poop on planets, not terrible on moon and OK to show some DSO, if not with detail, at least as small grey fuzzies that will allow you the fun of hunting them if not extending observing.

Possibly a 102 Mak or a 90 Mak? Think both these can sit on a camera tripod too. you can strap a camera tripod to the outside of a backpack easily enough. Mine comes in a portable bag of its own.

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I'd stick to small refractors over Maks etc because one thing that small scopes do well is widefield. If you go for something with a long FL you lose out on this possibility. For something cheap and cheerful, the ST80, but the quality of an ED refractor is in a different league. I have a couple of ST80s a WOZS66 and a TV Pronto. The Pronto's heavy but by far the best. (Pretty cheap second hand here as well.) I'd use a camera or small alt az tripod and certainly nothing electronic.


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