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White light Sun, 28th March


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Spent ages this morning waiting for clouds to pass to try to get enough data for this. The seeing didn't seem too bad, but whilst there was a nice wide blue sky from the south west around to the north, the remainder of the sky had about 75% cloud cover. I'm not desperately happy with it, but under the circumstances it was the best I could manage. Totally clouded out now, so there's not much chance of another attempt for a while.

I took 120 frames of 1/1000th @ ISO100 with the 450D and 127 Mak, preprocessed with PIPP and dropped the worst 20 then stacked the best 50 of what was left in Registax v6. Then I noticed the dust bunny on the limb at about 11:30 :(



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I almost got a picture today but the clouds were to fast for me here. :smiley:

As soon as I get some decent breaks Ill be able to set the focus but i was limited to seconds earlier :grin:

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