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A tent as an obsy...?


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A break in the clouds, took the telescope out before I had to run back in...nope, not the clouds, but the blizzard like wind. Which brings me back to the thought of using a budget tent as a little moveable observatory. And no, cant have a proper one in my back garden. Anybody out there tried out a tent..? P)

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I use a WELL PEGGED toilet tent for covering my scope at Star parties and for short periods of time at home.

Wouldn't want to use it as a long term solution as the pegs will loosen over time due to wet ground and high winds, I've kept mine on for over a week before but that's when the

forecast is favourable and high winds aren't expected.

Ian :smiley:

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Hi there,

I've thought about this before for my back garden. I have a neighbour who's kitchen light shines direct into my back garden so have been trying to think of ways of shielding my observing area from the light.

I like the idea of a toilet tent, but probably a bit small if I'm thinking of the right thing. A wind break is another alternative, but I'm no sure it would be quite tall enough. Something that I have got kicking around is a frame from an old popup green house which lasted about 2 months before I got bored with the idea of trying to grow things. It's about 6 feet x 8 feet and about 5 feet high. The only thing I haven't decided on is what to use for walls. Ido have soem heavy guage groundsheet which will blockout the light nicley, and can be held on by nothing more that a few crocodile clips.

Years ago in some of the old Army Surplus stores, you used to be able to get hold of old army tents which were blackout tents allowing the people inside to use lights but without being seen from the outside. Don't know if there are still small versions of those kicking about which could be adapted?

All the best with the thought. Let us know if you get a good working solution.


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Years ago in some of the old Army Surplus stores, you used to be able to get hold of old army tents which were blackout tents allowing the people inside to use lights but without being seen from the outside. Don't know if there are still small versions of those kicking about which could be adapted?

Most of the army tents I've worked under had thousands of pin [removed word] holes in the canvas - in daylight it looked like a planetarium from the inside ;) When I left the army I managed to obtain an old 24' x 18' tent, ostensibly for our local girl guides - though it saw many years service as a party tent and even did a couple of weddings before I got sick of storing and carrying it around and gave it away to a local paint ball outfit.

Seriously though you can get blackout curtain liner material relatively cheaply which you could drape or line a tent with.

With a bigger budget there are some interesting geodesic and yurt structures here http://www.shelter-systems.com/starcave.html - sure some of these could be easily adapted/copied.

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Actually, having looked around and like Jim suggested, I think a camping windbreaks are the ideal solution for what I need at the moment. I assume it'll give me some contained space and hence a little bit of warmth. Something like that maybe...!


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Mmm...I can take one and go amok :D

I'm thinking about a portable obsy solution - will soon post a diagram of what I'm might go for...Yeah, too many solutions in the ''soon'' world, but none implemented in the ''now'' world...

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I thought about saying about the vibration but held off, yes you would need to either have everything packed in rubber or you would be forever adjusting.

MPG is about 4 miles, not sure of difference between petrol/diesel, I certainly used to do quite a bit of mileage down the A303 before refuelling.


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Mpg rather than gpm - very impressed. With a BV in the back its looking tempting. Though not sure I'm up for track bashing at my age and there's no way the misses would help.

Shame as my boy would love this on the school run...

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I used to change both tracks by myself, had prototype, nuts rather the circlips, so was just one small tool for removing pin, still heavy work :). Get yourself to one of those places that let you drive around for a bit, boy would love that, show him what you done :)


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Like I said before - I'm not a DIY expert, I just get ideas in my head but don't have much of the manual practice. I guess there's always a first time for everything. I am after light, yet sturdy boards ...be itor not and MDF.

Steve, it'll be sitting permanently in the garden. Done, fold and put aside :)

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