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A simple iPhone shot


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Set my scope up early tonight to get a look at the moon in clear skies. I could see the clouds were coming so wanted to test it out as Iv only had one good night so far due to the weather. I was extremely please with what it looked like through the scope and did my best to capture it with my phone. Iv bought an xbox webcam to mod so will be trying that soon, in the meantime this please people on facebook.

IMG 1620

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Smart phones held over an eyepiece can get some nice detail from the moon. I got these with a galaxy S3 over the eyepiece of my Dob. Imagine my surprise on the plane onem went threw as i was snapping. The trick is to line up the scope so the moon is moving through and then just hold the phone an snap snap snap snap, take the best of the bunch later.




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I love your shot with the plane, thats brilliant. As for how did I do it with an iphone, pretty much as stated above. I tried a mix of HDR photos and normal ones, took about 10 overall then picked the best one and edited the colours and stuff with photoshop on my phone aswell being as I dont have any image processing software on my laptop.

However Im now wondering if filming a video with my iphone, then editing it with registrax might be a more productive idea in the future.

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Very nice image, well done!

I still think my best single frame Moon shots are the very first pictures I took with my compact camera afocal. It just goes to show you don't need very expensive (okay an iPhone isn't that cheap! :grin:) equipment or even dedicated cameras to get good lunar shots.

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Thanks for the encouragement everyone. If I get round to it one day I may try to find some way of mounting my iPhone onto my scope. I'm sure using an old case and a piece of pipe may do the trick if I can get it right. Going to give it another go when theres more moon to view to see if I can get something better.

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