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I dont believe it!

Lee M

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It's been a 'long week' so I decided to settle for a hour or two in the garden this evening rather than heading off somewhere darker.

Forecast to be cloud free all night so I thought I'd leave it later so that some of the local LP would have started switching off.

Just popped my head out of the door thinking it was time to put the scope out to cool ..................... 8/8 cloud cover!

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr :BangHead:

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Horrendous seeing last night. Weather forecast say the sky is clear until 9pm. Got the C8 out, cooled it, point it at Jupiter at 96x. Blur, Blur, Blur ... There were moments when the image became sharper, so the scope wasn't at fault, but there must be some high level cloud getting in the way.

Looking at the sky now, it's probably going to be the same tonight

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Horrendous seeing last night. Weather forecast say the sky is clear until 9pm. ... ... but there must be some high level cloud getting in the way.

Same last night here. I think the weather forecasters don't distinguish between 'absolutely crystal clear' which is what we want, and 'high level cloud that you can still see the brightest stars through, and to the untrained eye looks clear'!

It's that thin, but present, high level cloud that can really ruin the observing for a night...

And yes, looking at how the day is starting off, it wouldn't surprise me if we were in for more of the same tonight.

Here's hoping for clear skies!

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It was exactly as I feared. The high level cirrostratus cloud just completely destroy the view for moderate magnification. Although last night was slightly better than the night before, it wasn't much better.

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