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Sun in Ha - 27-2-13 from Sunny Newcastle


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Perfect day here, warm, still and wall to wall sunshine. The big prom may have gone and there aren't very many sunspots but it was good to get the capture below.

This was processed using AS!2, selecting 800 frames from 2,000 with a Lunt 60, DMK41 and 0.8x FR. The picture was sharpened using Reg6. Yes, I have finally got AS!2 to work and it is now giving better results than Registax.


Hope you get some sun in soon.


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Ahh! So that's what it looks like, I'd almost forgotten. :grin:

Real shame about the big prom show, seems to have detached and blown off.

Stunning detail Robin, I'm jealous. I must get around to modding my little old PST.

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It is my first image since 17th Feb. I did see him last Sunday through the eyepiece, but cloud and sailing stopped me getting and images. Of course when I had finished sailing the sun was gone behind thick cloud.

I am looking forwards to some night time tonight, I had a go at Jupiter last night (picture in imaging section) through cloud but seeing was very variable and just now it looks really good. I might even have a go at a DSO, if my luck holds up and it is November since I last tried that.


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Great image, it is inspiring me to try hooking my DFK21AU618 up and learning how to get some pictures. Having had a new pst for 4 weeks I finally got to look through it for the first time today. It certainly has been beautiful here in the North East and I got some excellent views this afternoon. Having fun now trying to match my spidery sketch to you mage! Looking forwArd to some clear skies tonight. Fingers crossed.

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Although it was lovely and sunny today, there is a marked absence of sunspots, which meant that the image through [my] eyepiece was rather lacking. The camera seems to be better to pick up the surface detail than the eye, or at least I find that. Still your PST would have given nice views of the proms.

To get focus with a DFK in your PST, you might have to use a small [screw in] barlow lens, some PSTs will focus on DFK/DMK cameras and some won't.

Fingers crossed it stays clear and the mist doesn't come down, I fancy another go at Jupiter and if times permits [before the moon comes up] an easy DSO or two as I have an unused Hyperstar lens for my C11 gathering dust.


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